Played for about 1.15h so far.
The Fade when opening the door in the main menu could be more gradual I think, when quickly hovering over it again and again it flashes annoyingly. Same with the soundeffect for it.
New Heroes, interesting. Since they're "premade" Does that mean you're aiming for more then just 2 generic Heroes later on? With different starting Stats, abilities, equipment options or whatever?
If you're letting me name the Hero, why does it get a default Name shown under the Portrait. A default one, or a randomized one upon selection is fine, but under the Portrait it gives me a different Impression on whats intended I assume, see previous Sentence.
Going for Despair/Ironman first, just to see. Wand and Sword obviously, as its the best Choice.
Spooky skeleton Pits with red Eyes, nice. New Cultist on level 1 also looks a lot better then the old one. the Crawlers slide across the floor a bit occassionally.
Cage Fatty is also better then the previous Mauler, and I think it was the first Time I noticed Wands missing.
Mimics are great, putting a lifestealing elite Enemy into floor one isn't. Great Way to ruin a Run, now I have no health Potions left.
First Boss was a joke this Time, with the Obelisk I found for +5 Agility, and putting all the Levels into Wand Damage I had enough Mana to just icespike him down in mere seconds.
No Bugs or anything so far, seems to work great for once, but only made it up to the Halls of Pain.
Did not find any new Spells or anything to try out, but a ton of Wands and Fetishes, did you change the Way loot drops?
Did you fix Vedomots Drop resetting its Damage when hitting Barrels? It seems so, so I'm going to try and force a run with that tomorrow.
Game seems easier then before, and I really like that you notice Wands missing now.
So far, apart from quite a bit more polish, I didn't notice too much new from the previous Version. It did draw me in more then before tho, I don't specifically know what you changed, but the Atmosphere felt better.
Sorry, I can't write too much, there isn't really anything to talk about I think. It's far along on a good Way, I didn't encounter any Bugs to complain about, balancing feels a lot better then before, it had me switch between my Weapon Options a lot more, and think more about wether I made a mistake by just putting everything into mind again like usual, even tho I did find a bunch of Wands to make a great one at the Goblin if I would've gotten that far.
I still completely ignored Weapon Arts tho, obviously with a Wand, but even without I couldn't really see myself using them, I kind of always forget they are even there.
I'm assuming new Content is towards the End, where I haven't gotten yet, so I might've more to talk about then.
Maybe tomorrow.
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