Played this again, could see a lot of improvement since last DD. I actually used the launcher this time!
First love the tutorial and menu. Super cool, super unique.
Gameplay is still solid and reminds me of AOE4 as a kid. I played the Archer + Knight scenario, and my first game I was getting stomped by robots and other large units around me. My next game went better, and I slowly expanded, getting tons of unique units. It was still fun marching them around and steam rolling people, but I did build more building and collect more upgrades this time, which made it an easier affair.
My main complaint is probably the same as last time, I want a bit more tactical decision making. Things like a way to take down a new coven beyond just marching your units in would be cool. I also think letting people customize and improve their witch king would be cool as well, and could give the upgrades some more variety. Stuff like faster movement time, activated abilities, buffing specific units etc.
but yeah, still enjoying it, and I can see the improvment!