I like that this game is very focused on it's main mechanic.
My thoughts:
It would be cool if there were more resource specific facilities like steelworks.
I like the idea that energy is a "mana-like" resource but at same time you can also directly sell it for money. Seems to enable different kinds of "builds".
Powering buildings feels a bit redundant, they could just consume power on use. Command hub could just grant "Next use is free" buff.
It would be nice if price of resources always showed on hover, I found myself constantly clikcing trading hub to check prices.
Depart from planet could show somewhere how much resources will sell for in total.
You can't actually buy power from headlight array because after first free use you need to pay more than one power to use it but you can only buy one power. So you will always loose power with it no matter what.
Overall it's pretty interesting, I enjoyed it. Randomisation of what resources you get forces you to adapt and think carefully what to do instead just doing the same strat every time which I found cool. I also liked that facilities had two different abilities focused around the same mechanic.