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A member registered Jan 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Having the resource pull cost go up over time is not a bad idea, honestly. My initial concern would be "double-dipping" increasing costs between creating new resources with deposits and then that, but there's probably a good balance.

I appreciate the reinforcement of the QoL and layout issues, helps me know where to focus next.

The emotional support button does nothing. I added it just to make sure the options menu was working and never removed it. Torn between making it do something very small while saying it does nothing, versus removing it entirely.

(1 edit)

First time playing it, I really want to see more!

  • There were some odd stuttering issues, probably from loading things in. It got really bad when certain fights broke out.
  • These goblins can throw bottles through walls.
  • The companions are a really cool mechanic, though I wish there was some more explanations on how they work. For example, at one point the dwarf died and I could not figure out how to revive them. I went the rest of the level just fine, but when I moved to the next floor, they died again. I guess this is part "how do I revive him" and part "why didn't he respawn on the next floor".
  • The shops felt properly Diablo-like, though it would be nice to have a way to compare items. Most games in the genre have this QoL at some point.
  • The burp on drinking potions is stupid satisfying. A+
  • It would be nice to have some starting items on both me and the companions. I did not realize the dwarf had 0 items equipped until he died. Same with potions.
  • The map generation felt a bit sporadic? Not sure how you have it implemented but it created a lot of little nooks and crannies that didn't help navigation.
  • Additionally, there were some doors that just didn't load in until I opened them. Like literally a black void on the overlay and in the world, but it still had the interact icon on hovering over them.
  • I liked how weapons and armor appeared on your character, but did not like how they didn't on the companions. Let me trick out my dwarf, please.
  • Please make the hitbox for picking up items a bit bigger. Depending on how they fell, it felt like pixel hunting.
  • Also, dragging the items in the store out of the inventories seemed to freeze it in place. This persisted between closing and reopening the merchant view. You can tell I tried buying a potion for the dwarf companion here:


Going to second the part about zipping or embedding everything together. Even forcing me to download the README feels borderline aggressive.

I can respect the genre and effort put into it, but I suck at driving without a full peripheral.


Had no idea how to get the cigarette, so I walked off the map. There is a little gap that I reached around where you came in.

Not sure if it's intentional (really), but if you hold S to move backward, the character does the same animation as walking forward, so they would moonwalk/moonjog around.

Pretty nostalgic shooter.

  • There was some weird bugs with animations. Like reloading the pistol would hide it until you fire, but it seemed to queue up the firing animation? Like I would shoot, the enemy would die, and then the shooting animation would play.
  • The rifle had some odd things going on with the ammunition counts. When I picked up the clips in the second level, the second count went up by 1 but I could reload a full magazine, so it went from like 5/3 to 30/2. But based on the initial pickup, I thought the second number was the number of remaining bullets.
  • At this point I would like to see more varied content.

Love the lab aesthetics and music. Tried some single player but got filtered by not being able to ascend when pressing space. No idea what was causing that but it was frustrating being able to descend freely but not ascend?

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Good point on the Return to Menu, I must have overlooked that by mistake.

Appreciate the feedback on the planet selection and money panels. It's possible to click the bar to cycle between your current money and the quota still needed, but seems like there should be a more obvious button for that.

And yeah, the second building actions are new this build. Glad you like them!

Honestly, I'm feeling like I might skip the next DD for that reason specifically, assuming there is one in July.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. I'll definitely have to redo the initial learning part- you're not the first to mention that once you're in it's straight forward but I added an info dump right at the start.

Yeah, there's lot of mechanics I have in mind. It's harder to not just add all of them right away lol.

And sorry if the game mode could not be changed in the options. That's definitely a bug but I think it will have to be a "Won't Fix" because I've gotten more than enough feedback to remove that.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback.

I wanted quotas to be easy to achieve, but not "sell 1 good on the final planet" easy. I will have to recalculate those.

And SFX were on the chopping block this release because I have literally never implemented them before. Definitely a priority for the next one.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I understand where you're coming from on a lot of these, and I do want to make the base gameplay loop more interesting than "draw resource, sell resource". As you noticed, stability was one attempt and I think I have some more possible answers to that, but appreciate that it is still an issue. You're not the first person to basically say the game plays itself and that's the last thing I want.
I do like your suggestion on stability. It is supposed to be the planet becoming unstable and ripping apart, so having bigger penalties for it than just "you have to sell this item right now" would make sense.

I never got to any combat tutorial or otherwise, as when I selected the Camp on the map, I died.

I didn't get very far at all but I did have some criticisms from the short time played:

  • I love the art style and sfx thus far. The goblins sounded sufficiently gobliny.
  • Please let me edit the mouse sensitivity.
  • In the inventory I tried equipping a sword I found by double-clicking on it. I didn't see the "Use" button at the bottom of the screen until I was trying to figure out why that didn't work.
  • The ladders looked weird with having the flat texture on two different planes. I feel like having it be a 3D model like chests or other interactable entities would look a lot better.
  • I like the Dead By Daylight-like "hold until you're in the sweet spot" for combat but it felt very swingy. Hitting the sweet spot was always a kill, and missing it did nothing.
  • Maybe this was because of the rusty sword I had, but it felt like monsters had a lot more effective attacks on me compared to how often I could attack.
  • There are some UI scaling issues. For reference, I have a 3440x1440 monitor and there did not appear to be any option to not go fullscreen. This lead to some odd UI things like below:

Hold up, you can jump? That's probably another feedback item right there lol.

Yo ho ho! I like it as an alpha test.

  • The controls are atrocious. Having to do navigation and firing and other things with one hand on the keyboard, yet there's a little camera control tied to the mouse (but not as much as I'd like) was painful.
  • I could tell that there's actual waves going on but the water being monochromatic made it hard to judge this. I would recommend doing something to show swells or dips.
  • Two of the AI ships rammed right into each other and they just nudged each other. This is usually a death sentence for sailing ships.
  • I wasn't allowed to click the upgrade card while holding any keys down, like while trying to turn.
  • Also, was I only supposed to get 1 choice of upgrade from the floating chest?

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

I do plan on adding more buildings in the future and it's good to know where to focus on for those.

I hear that on the Hardlight Array second ability. I was more concerned about not allowing an infinite cycle with itself that I overlooked the power costs involved. That will probably have to be scrapped or redesigned.

The powering of buildings & Command Hub are good thoughts as well. Might be worth experimenting with for the next release.

I don't have any response to your other thoughts other than yeah, I can address those. Appreciate every point you raised!

It's alright.

  • Trying to shoot up to hit the one target in the tutorial was frustrating in discovering that the shots come from the tip of the ship. Would rather it be centered.
  • Was not expecting the game to be as bullet-hell as it is. The tutorial made it seem like it was going to be a collectathon.
  • Some of the enemies are really hard to actually see and dodge, and it feels like the entire blimp is the hitbox rather than the standard practice of bullet-hells to have the hitbox be smaller than the player character.
  • I did not find see a way to remove the FPS and total frame counter at the bottom and frankly they should not be on by default.
  • Why is it limited to such a small resolution? You can do fixed pixel resolutions and still have the game be in a bigger window.
  • Related to that, some of the text was hard to read as it was pixel fonts in a small window.
  • With the demo explanation/changelog, let me skip the slow character-by-character typing.
  • It says that this is probably the second-to-last demo before a full release yet it doesn't feel like it. Can't place my finger on why.

I want to like this game, but there were a few annoying bugs that hampered it too much.

  • Some of the tutorial pop-ups went away before I could read them, especially ones where there were two or more at the same time yet doing the one closed the other. There were a couple that I'm pretty sure I accidentally double-clicked through.
  • The stupid vulture kept showing up and telling me to pay off my loan, despite the fact that the game was paused. And every time he showed up the bank icon start blinking, leading me to think I had something new to learn but no. I would prefer if he showed up when it was getting close to foreclosure time and stayed as a reminder, rather than popping in and out constantly.
  • This may be due to running in full-screen, but there was a number that was constantly changing value in the middle of the screen. See below:

  • Through clicking stuff on the crafting tutorial, I ended up not being able to make anything yet it still was like "Click this to craft!"
  • I had no idea how to exit the game and ended up using Task Manager to end it.

First time playing it, and I liked it, though with some reservations.

  • Despite all the juice, it still felt lacking. I need more bass, more bullets off of metal sfx, etc.
  • The recoil mechanic felt good but it felt more floaty than "this gun is literally keeping me up in the air".
  • It was too easy to get stunlocked by a couple of wasps half-way through the tutorial, and I fully expected to die from it, yet I didn't?
  • It wasn't clear that you can dodge everything.
  • Having to jump up between platforms in a few areas felt like I was doing it wrong yet still progressing.
  • Give me more levels!!! The levels marked [OLD] I didn't play because adding that felt like a red flag more than a warning.

Uploaded it, let me know if there's anything I can help with

Yeah, it feels like just a few tweaks are needed to have a solid game. Going to throw a suggestion out- would it be possible to have like an outline on the mechs when there's heavy smoke? Like how L4D or other games do for low visibility areas?Steam Community :: Guide :: Change Outline Glows

Yeah, not a problem. I tried the latest version, did the same steps, and it looked like it got to a loading screen with some text in the center before doing it again. Are there any logs I should get for you?

(1 edit)
  • During a speed-up event the game became noticably laggy.
  • I want to rip those f$#&ing levers off. Please add WASD or arrow keys to change them instead.
  • I feel like this has some promise but you have to fake it along the way. Like adding different layouts or setups. I know that you've posted about how the coins are the smallest they can go but they still feel way too big for the area they're in.
  • The arcade machines being links to other games just feels a little tacky, tbh.
  • If you enable both cube and cylinder, you'll launch a cube but be out a cylinder as well.

Despite my complaints, I want this to succeed. I've spent hours at Dave & Busters playing these things!

EDIT:  Can you name the zip file something unique in the future? As a lazy bastard, I don't want to have to rename the folders.

Look, the art style is gorgeous and SOVLful and the destruction effects are gorgeous but it's getting in the way of the gameplay. It's hard to tell what's going on once things start happening and it's frustrating dying in a giant cloud of smoke and I don't know where enemies are. The radar seems like a potential solution to this, but at the same time the scale it's using seems off- at one point there was a red dot near me according to the radar but that enemy was not on-screen yet, so it's hard to gauge how accurate it is.
As much as I'm complaining, I do want to reiterate that the artstyle and effects are all 200% great, but it feels like the cart was put before the horse.

Seconding blorb's feedback. Launched, clicked New Run, selected Drone Swarm as my starting weapon, and crashed to desktop.

  • Good juice throughout.
  • Love the asteroid splitting implementation and wish it had a decent purpose besides looking cool.
  • Strafing was frustrating to try and get a handle on. Wished the Shift boost affected it too.
  • The gravity shields on enemies is clever but also very frustrating to deal with, especially with it being on most enemies.
  • Managed to play it twice but as it was going to the main menu after the second run, the game's audio crackled and then it crashed to desktop.
  • The art, music, sfx are all solid.
  • There were instances were if I was moving away from an enemy, my character would swing but it would miss due to the movement already occurring.
  • Why are there two button like icons during gameplay? I feel like they're clickable but there's no mouse cursor.
  • Upgrades need some kind of text explaining them. The icons are intuitive enough but it would be helpful.
  • The ice bolt ability kept flying over enemies to some random spot with no one nearby. Seemed utterly useless.
  • Not sure if it was intended, but I accidentally ended a run right at the start by walking into the shadow dude.

Solid start, can't wait to see how you plan on differentiating from all the other VS-likes.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! Definitely hear you on the overall balance of things re power and goods. I also appreciate the note on the keywords not being clear initially.

Thanks for the feedback! I've actually been playing a bunch of Balatro- maybe I should play it some more to "study" lol.

Thanks for the feedback! Don't worry, most people didn't get the target amount. It wasn't meant to be on Dante Must Die difficulty at the start, so that will be another tweak coming soon.


I swear I break so many games by playing on an ultrawide and sadly this is not an exception. Encountered an odd bug pretty early on where I tried jumping using space due to muscle memory, which opened the stats menu. I tried pressing Z to close the stats menu but it kept resizing the window. Was basically hardlocked due to this.

Thanks for the feedback!

Data should be more valuable than 3 of a basic resource, but I can revisit that.

And random events could be cool. Another person asked about adding more capitalism, so that could be a good way to do so. Thanks for the idea!

Thanks for the feedback! I really should put out a roadmap, but the vision is that you go to a certain number of planets (8 for now) while building up your available buildings in-between to try and maximize money. Still not sure on if you'll be gated between each one or not, or if it's just a race to the highest score possible.

Bureaucracy with no goods in the deck is a valid point, going to mark that one a bug.

I agree with your comments on the energy and deposit costs. Already got a plan with the deposits but energy is going to be harder.

And merged goods are higher value than the base ones, but not high enough to notice? Numbers can be tweaked.

Solid roguelike, would mindlessly play until I got to triple digit hours on.

  • There needs to be something to differentiate stage numbers. I would shocked when I was suddenly at 2-1 and getting to the final "boss" felt anticlimatic. Possibly add different backgrounds & music to the worlds?
  • The font was hard to read in some places. D & O were very similar at a glance.
  • There is a bunch of terminology that isn't really explained on skills. Most roguelikes I've seen like Monster Train will have additional popups explaining keywords or mechanics. Even a glossary would've been nice to have.
  • It may have been due to my build, but there were moments in the final battle where there would be one or two cards left and both of us were just end turn-ing repeatedly because we couldn't get a suitable card. This would absolutely be a situation to "fake" the card chances, just to keep the battle moving.

Loved it, it's like how Nioh is to Dark Souls but with Nethack. Would love mouse inputs if only to get a better idea of what can be done, like a right click context menu or being able to see what something distant is. My only other gripe is the name Ooe.

Played a little bit for the booba, will probably continue but need to be in a mood for VNs personally.

  • Some of the music changes were a bit jarring. This might've been intended, but I feel like if the tracks flowed more together then it would work better.
  • It may help to get an editor to go over your dialogue. A few misspellings and missing punctuation here and there.
  • The UI looked fine until text that spread over 4 lines would appear. It bothered me that any longer than it was would've run over the options at the bottom. Maybe bump the entire text box up or avoid having long lines?

Just played a little bit because I think I got soft-locked on the tutorial.

  • Some of the animations seemed stiff, especially jumping and cutting grass.
  • There was an odd thing that was most noticeable when using the hoe. I press click to till a tile, the animation starts, but I could still move the camera and move. Wherever the mouse cursor was placed was where the tilling would actually happen once the animation continued.
  • Maybe I missed it, but would've loved a way to "target" multiple tiles for tilling/seeding/etc. rather than moving and doing it one at a time.
  • The camera would clip through world geometry if it moved close enough to it. This was only on the extreme edges of my screen, but I play on an ultrawide.
  • The clear coomerbait with the isekai setting and all the waifu NPCs is offputting. This is just personal preference, but you could make it less obvious with male NPCs.

Thanks for playing! And really glad you liked it.

The gun is indeed good. I feel like this just needs juice at this point. (sound effects, screen shake, etc.) Some smaller feedback:

  • It threw me off that the dash/roll didn't have i-frames until I saw the rune upgrade for that, but it still felt kind of useless. Or at least very situational- if you were crowded at a short distance, the only way out is dying.
  • When I first booted it up, the only controls shown in the menus were for controller. After I started playing, the M/KB controls were available.
  • The gun tooltips when hovering(?) on the ground would move out of view if I moved the mouse.
  • I wish there was an easier way to compare weapons, or if it were easier to parse the differences.

Fun little VS clone.

  • Having to hold down both mouse buttons to get the most out of the witch girl's attacks felt unnecessarily more work than it should be.
  • Pixel effects pretty, make brain happy.
  • The main menu did not look good on an ultra-wide monitor with some displaced and covered elements. Would probably be best to "box" the menu into a designated area in the center but still have the background go full screen.
  • The bomb girl was annoying to play as. Placing bombs felt like something I need to click to perform but then the actual effect worked more like the witch girl's attacks. And the kick only works in a direct horizontal line, which I only discovered after trying to line up shots.
  • The bomb girl's kick should do something to enemies. 1 point of damage or push them or anything.
  • Not sure how to get coins, but getting 99999 of them seemed impossible without a grind.
  • In the menus, it should be "config" not "confing".