It's alright.
- Trying to shoot up to hit the one target in the tutorial was frustrating in discovering that the shots come from the tip of the ship. Would rather it be centered.
- Was not expecting the game to be as bullet-hell as it is. The tutorial made it seem like it was going to be a collectathon.
- Some of the enemies are really hard to actually see and dodge, and it feels like the entire blimp is the hitbox rather than the standard practice of bullet-hells to have the hitbox be smaller than the player character.
- I did not find see a way to remove the FPS and total frame counter at the bottom and frankly they should not be on by default.
- Why is it limited to such a small resolution? You can do fixed pixel resolutions and still have the game be in a bigger window.
- Related to that, some of the text was hard to read as it was pixel fonts in a small window.
- With the demo explanation/changelog, let me skip the slow character-by-character typing.
- It says that this is probably the second-to-last demo before a full release yet it doesn't feel like it. Can't place my finger on why.