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(4 edits) (+7)

(Link to entire playlist here: ... sans the little extra thing, I still gotta go back and get a couple of good endings again)

While it took me far, far longer than I had intended to get all of the routes.. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, I love  OBSCURA. 

Even though we only get a small glimpse of it, the world seems very interesting. I enjoyed the little bits of lore that we get here and there from both Vesper and other characters around the market. And, Vesper's plight is actually quite fascinating. 
I feel terrible for them, and even without the varied and wonderful Love Interests, I would still want to see how the story ends for Vesper. (Yes, I am one of the big fans for Vesper. They are very charming for a player character!)
Plus, the very different paths and endings we can get with each character were a hell of a lot of fun! The writing for every character was just absolutely amazing (not to mention the beautiful art that we've been treated to!)


The Love Interests are certainly the biggest draw, however. Each route has very fun and enthralling storylines, even for taking place in a relatively short time-frame. 

Now, I started with Oleander. 

I freaking adore Oleander. He ended up being probably my favorite of the Love Interests. He's charming, he's witty... he's a murderer, and he absolutely plays the part of the Gadfly well. 

Excluding the endings where Vesper's downfall is their own fault (to an extent), even Oleander's bad end was actually quite gentle. 

He's not a good person in many ways, but he really has a kind side to him. The scenes where he takes Vesper to the tea house — and where I first got to know Griff, who was hilarious by the way — and the dance scene at the party were just... beautiful. I think the dance scene took my breath away.

As an aside, I really liked that his story is very intertwined with Keir's. But I am a little worried as to where things are going to go between them.

Next up, Francesco! The boy, the cutie. Light of my life, apple of my eye. He's just about tied with Oleander for a favorite.

I just don't exactly... trust him. While Oleander's bad sides were pretty obvious, Francesco not so much. 

Yes, he definitely has a problem where he wants to get into some not so great things and he kind of puts himself into bad situations... but there is definitely more than meets the eye when it comes to him (or is there? He really could just be naïve and sweet. I just have a feeling he's not entirely that)

I have to admit, I sobbed during the bad endings we could get before going into the club. I was outraged. 

In  general, Francesco is kind of a mess but it's very charming. I just want to hold him and protect him from the marketplace... and from himself, a little bit. He's really trying to get into some heavy stuff, and as someone who had gone through a bit of a phase trying some -cough- similar things, I can say it may not be worth it in the long-run. But that just means that I hope we can protect him and help him when the time comes.

Keir was my next choice.

He is sassy. I loved it. I loved the banter.

He also had a very tough shell to get through. Of course, because he's a thief who is doing his best to keep his home and friends safe and cared for, it's pretty understandable. It also makes a lot of sense that he only starts to open up to Vesper if we manage to be more open to the life he leads. 

I loved the touch of having to be more friendly with his thief pals to lead into his good ending. 

There were definitely higher stakes in his route. I appreciated that we got a little taste of what his job entails, and it was actually quite terrifying when we had to deal with the guard. As someone with social anxiety and a mistrust for people in a place of power, it made me very uncomfortable and the bad end with most of the group was very disheartening. 

I would say, however, his storyline is the most compelling in the sense of trying to help people on top of fixing Vesper's dilemma. I really hope there is a happy ending there, because I actually am scared for the future of Mouse Hole. 

Cirrus' route is the most recent route for me and... wow.

He is beautiful, but he is scary and kind of The Absolute Worst ™

I had a vague sense of what we were getting into when starting his route, but he is actually quite a cold character in many ways. 

Between selling off Vesper when he gets bored of them, or just straight up orchestrating their death... He's awful xD I got angry during those endings.
It's actually a little scary that a man like him is in a place of power like a priest. He really can (and, I assume, does) hurt people under the guise of helping them. A true sadist. I only hope that some of what he does really does end up helping those who seek him out.

I can't say I'm not a masochist in a sense, but he does go overboard (and I don't mean the flogging scene, just in general... even if I had mixed feelings on how he went about the punishment because the consent felt dubious even with Vesper obeying and being more open to him). And yet, it makes me wish to see where his and Vesper's romance will lead in the best ending. 

I won't entirely hold my breath, but I hope to see him soften a little bit and maybe become a slightly better person. (But hey, even if he doesn't, he is very nice to look at and the scary personality is  fun to deal with.

Edit: I know this comment is a few days old, but I did want to add that I think the writing for Cirrus is fantastic, and I hope no one thought that I meant otherwise. It is rare that a character/story makes me become actually angry. I think he is truly a fascinating character.)

And this got a bit long...
Sorry, this review got a little away from me.

Thank you all for working so hard on this gorgeous visual novel. From the writers, artists, and the person behind the music, everyone did a fabulous job. I am very much looking forward to chapter 2 and all subsequent chapters!