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So uh, this will be a long one because i have many thoughts i need to dump about cemetery Mary and the Blackout Hospital. To say I'm really invested is an understatement, this is now a part of my hyperfixations.

(spoilers ofc)

Honestly this one was really the most difficult for me to play through because how things almost always didn't look up for Mary and she kept suffering especially through Twyla's route (i could see myself in Mary's shoes) that owl girl was kindaa hitting too close to home so after I got her bad end the first time, i was like, "God, f*ck this bit*h I'm moving on to another route" and it was Reginald's I picked, compared to Crowven who got rough-around-the-edges anger issues going on, the more calm though suspicious guy was just a better option for me atm. I've been really curious and interested about him, and I guess he grew on me after that whole fiasco in the blackout hospital. Though, I still ended up getting a bad end in his route first play too that i had to look up the walkthrough...

Even with his good ending and through true ending, it didn't really help since i was sad Reggie just disappeared... Even with Ovidius who got me attached to died.. And despite everything, I'm still stumped on how to connect the dots, there's so many lore and theories my head is spinning. I guess cemetery Mary could be called as loose prequel(?), but since Mary and Vasilis didn't recognize each other in blackout hospital, Crowven just asked Vasilis out for a date in the hospital, with Mary and Tetra being the 'doctor' too.. I was wondering if maybe blackout hospital could be a parallel universe, what with the unicorn man referenced in both, other realm, and the whole inscriptions going on that had Tetra involved in.... 

I still don't understand many things, I was glad to see some characters made appearance in each another series/game (like that Fia and her mom too), happy that Mary and Vasilis could be best friends in the blackout hospital, and Mary could be back with her family and all in this game, but with Tetra's business still going on behind everything... Things aren't resolved to the core yet so I'm just hoping I won't be forgetting about all this too much while waiting for your next works related! I just hoped Tetra could be happy, like with Mary somehow maybe, whether friends or um lovers if they can get together.

Oh yeah, also just small nagging question.. are the characters half-animal that could turn into their own full form animals?? Are there even pure humans in this world/universe? I was kinda surprised to know Tetra is actually a pufferfish seeing from his picture profile in the chat...

I'll be playing Here for Sweethearts next! Need something lighthearted rn after everything...