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No problem, I can totally relate. It's always great to imagine new situations you could put your characters into, and I'm glad my ideas led to even better ideas on your part. After all, I believe feedback is important to game-making, even from a random eroge enthusiast on the internet like me. I'll definitely be looking forward to this sequel, and if my feedback had even the slightest of positive effects on the development of a game... well that's just amazing for me, to be completely honest.


It was fun chatting! No promises that I’ll be making a sequel; I want to do a bigger game with Exit, but since she comes from a tabletop game, a lot of her cast are player characters. So I need to make a brand new cast if I want to do it, and that’s a lot of work.

Not saying it’ll never happen. But I don’t want to lie and call it a sure thing.


I understand, a bigger game would need more assets and require more creative work on your part. If you need more ideas, I'd be happy to help. If for some reason you ever need your games to have a French translation, I'd also be happy to help. It was a fun discussion for me as well, and I'll be eagerly waiting for your future work!