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A member registered Sep 06, 2018

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(1 edit)

I already use tr.check a ton but I didn't know you could target them like satellites, that should help a ton, thank you! I also downloaded a mod that makes the digital map slightly better, especially since it turns the player dot into a player arrow which shows which direction you're facing. 

My feedback still holds though, maybe having them show on the digital map / on a map inside the base to show which one is which number would help? I can only assume that's planned already tho

I've sunk countless hours in this game, but I'm just sick of it now after this update. It's the transformers, solely. I have a huge handicap when it comes to finding my way to things and especially finding my way back, but with the satellites, I could manage. But having the transformers drain this insanely fast and having to practically every day go check EACH one to find the SPECIFIC one that's running out of power and then find my way back is a nightmare.

I've used the map, I've used beacons, it doesn't matter, it's still a nightmare. The transformers power drains way too fast, and it's taking me so long to find a specific one and reset it all the time that I only have time to do my dailies and can't do signal hunting anymore, the most enjoyable part of the game for me that isn't the cool spooky events.

I also ran into a bug where all three transformers were reset and at 100 yet one of them was still marked at 9% power and it drove me insane lol, it was the last straw for me. In a future update, please consider making transformers less punitive, the power lines more visible, and maybe a way to differentiate the three so I know which power line to follow in the first place, they are just far too time consuming and frustrating at the moment

This update was particularly glitchy, here are tips until it gets fixed for those who wish to see all the scenes:

-Elf, Bard and Museum are mutually inclusive

-Tavern is only mutually inclusive with Museum I think, anything else will lock you out of it

-You need to speak to the bard right after the cemetery stuff I think to unlock the beach scene. After that, go through the elf's quest line (by speaking to her at the cemetery), you NEED to get on the bed with her or the day will not progress to evening. After this, do NOT go back home and get changed, it will lock you out of the abbey area for some reason, go straight to the abbey instead

There really should be a way to unlock the gallery in case people miss stuff due to the bugs, I use all 20 of the save slots and still managed to lock me out of a lot of stuff, having to load back much older saves lol

Also still no BJ scene sadly... one can dream

Damn, that's impressive. Really fooled me

I've only been playing on the latest version! The [REDACTED] entity that comes out at night and roams around actually appears on my radar so I'm sure my game isn't bugged or anything, and apparently the Ariral command was patched out. I think I might just be really unlucky (or lucky, depending on how you choose to see it) and just do not run into anything strange. I'm kinda just regularly roleplaying as a scientist currently it's nice lol

Source is generally very moddable, I think it'll be possible in the future hopefully! New maps would be probably the first things we get, alongside texture reskins and model replacements.

That's odd, I've found the gameplay loop really simple, apart from the occasional weird hash that's difficult to copy correctly (1's and l's, and v's and u's look VERY similar, be careful). Make sure that the tapes you send are from an actual signal from space, not tapes you found around the base/the map, these do not count. Make sure that the blue lights correspond (no blue light is level 0, one is level 1, two is level 2, three is level 3 signals). 

Other than that, the MRE's are your best friend, buy a bunch when you can and spam alt + E to eat quickly from them. Be diligent and use your time efficiently, at the start it might be wise to cut power to systems you're not currently using (and lights) in order to speed up download speed, good luck!

Oh, that makes sense thank you. I know about most of the events because I nerded out on this game pretty hard, so it's so weird to not see anything happening for so many hours of play

I've gone through like 15 days without encountering a single entity. I don't know if that's possible or just a bug, but it's a little insane if just a coincidence. I do see entities appearing and roaming on the radar from time to time but no visit, no event, no nothing. Power was cut once, that's about it. 

Incidentally, when I type Ariral in the console it always tells me that Ariral is busy, so even that doesn't work lol

No problem! I work in game localization, and will be happy to give feedback regarding the french in future updates similarly to this one! It's not much, but I'm still glad I can help in any way since I love this game

As a french native, I've noticed a few errors in the writing, and had a few suggestions! A lot of these are nitpicking, but I'd love to help wherever I can either way:

1. Le Job Du Main (Suite A) -> La Branlette (only term for it, very crude, not a neutral term unlike handjob, could go with Le Massage instead)

2. La Succion (Suite B) -> La Suce / La Fellation

3. La Missionaire (Suite C) -> Le Missionnaire

4. Cherry -> Chérie (Chéri if person is male, which I've noticed is correctly used for Alex)

5. We tend to use "parfait" (perfect) more often than "très bien", it's a good alternative to keep in mind for Madame Figue!

6. Bleu eyes -> Yeux Bleus (adjective comes after, not before in french, same as in spanish)

7. I like that Figue uses "Salut" instead of "Bonjour", that's what we tend to do

8. Patrice is a boy's name, it's usually for old men. The female equivalent is "Patricia". It's even stranger to see on this absolute bombshell of an elf, but pretty funny

9. "Au revoir" is rarely used, we tend to say "Salut" or even "Ciao" in most cases!

Lastly, "yes" is commonly used more often than "oui", so it's always a little off-putting to see a french character replace their yes's with it, but it's no big deal at all, it adds charm actually imo

I think I'm in love with your game

I'd just like to say, I played this years ago and it's still to this day one of my favorite erotic games out there. Keep up the good work!

I understand, a bigger game would need more assets and require more creative work on your part. If you need more ideas, I'd be happy to help. If for some reason you ever need your games to have a French translation, I'd also be happy to help. It was a fun discussion for me as well, and I'll be eagerly waiting for your future work!

No problem, I can totally relate. It's always great to imagine new situations you could put your characters into, and I'm glad my ideas led to even better ideas on your part. After all, I believe feedback is important to game-making, even from a random eroge enthusiast on the internet like me. I'll definitely be looking forward to this sequel, and if my feedback had even the slightest of positive effects on the development of a game... well that's just amazing for me, to be completely honest.

I'm glad you appreciate it and actually take the time to respond to comments, it's a rare sight these days! I believe that surely, if Markus managed to push Exit to the point where she wouldn't hesitate to let him have his way with her in one of the endings, then oral wouldn't be out of the question! After all, from what I've noticed, Exit has a hard time ignoring her own libido, and therefore can eventually give in to her captor if he uses this to his advantage! 

She also appears to lose her confidence and smugness as Markus gets more intimate, and since the wide variety of endings also ultimately allow for a wide variety of states of mind for Exit, I'd imagine one where Markus would get bitten (if he didn't play his cards right) and once where he wouldn't (if he did) wouldn't be completely odd to see. 

On a side note, I am glad to see fellow roleplayers making games, it almost always guarantees very good writing, which is clearly the case here!

I think I'm a bit late, but I just finished this game and really liked the story. Somehow, the fact that these characters have a whole backstory unknown to the player wasn't particularly impactful which is a good thing, and the writing was good enough to make up for the lack of knowledge one might have about these adorable psychopaths. 

However, after getting all the endings, I was certainly glad that the game was interesting enough to get me to finish it in its entirety but alas, I was also very disappointed at the lack of a blowjob scene, especially considering the act itself had been mentioned multiple times during dialogue! Can't win them all I guess, but I still believe it's a missed opportunity. I might be a little biased however, since this is really the one and only thing I expect from a game that is erotic in nature aside from polished writing.