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I played for a bit and found it surprisingly fun for what it is. I played it for quite a while and wanted to experience more, but I couldn't due to some issues.

So I have some feedback to offer. The experience had some moments of frustration. For starters the crew members don't really seem to have any sense of self preservation, they will gladly go to sleep in a puddle of water and kill themselves, or while suffocating, refusing to turn on oxygen in favor of sleeping, jumping into a hole and drowning (refusing to dig their way out, again opting to sleep in the water again).

It is also unclear when oxygen is required or not unless you baby sit the overlay, I found a dead crew member and didn't even realise they died. It didn't really seem to matter either and there was no interaction possible with the body. like making a grave/coffin or otherwise disposing of it.

As for the setting itself, leaving the ship and going outside is vacuum apparently, but they seem to be able to run outside for several moments with no protection. While this may or may not be realistic, I think most people would expect some negative effects to occur rapidly.

I think when you consider these things together it makes sense to give the crew oxygen masks or tanks, especially as they seem to operate in areas with only CO2 in the air. I'd also like better ways to communicate low or high oxygen levels as it seems like there would be no reason not to generate as much oxygen as possible currently?

As for plants, well it seems strange to use solar panels to power lights to grow plants, could there be some sort of glass block?

Additional things I noted were, it was difficult to keep track of resources you have dug. Lack of drinking and food seems strange. It would be nice to be able to move certain furniture items such as the bed. Water seems to have weird physics and doesn't fill hole as you would expect. Manual saving crashed my game, but it did save properly and I was able to load it. No option to lock doors open.

Lastly the game triggers a firewall check on opening as it connects to the internet, itch sometimes has malware, so those more cautious may be put off. It makes sense for a steam game though.

All in all I'd like to see this project continue, it's got a long way to go, but the concept is fun.


Thank you so much for your detailed feedback!! A lot of this content and your ideas are already underway or planned over the next year as we get closer to Early Access. Lots and lots of content to add!

In the next version I've rewritten explorer goals to be a bit more intelligent. They won't write diary entries in the vacuum of space or underwater anymore, or work until they pass out (if they have access to a bed). AI is hard :D

We're also going to be adding in a mechanic to bring your explorers back to life (though they'll be very unhappy). Because you're limited to 8 explorers max, it's very important to be able to bring them back, at a cost.

The firewall check is likely from our use of Rollbar for error reporting and Mixpanel for gameplay - you can turn this off in Options, or in the starting dialog, or by supplying the command line option `--privacy`.

Thank you so much for your great feedback. I'd love for you to stay connected on the journey, and we're building up a community on Discord if that's your jam :)


No worries, I am currently having a look through the genre for some ideas. I am glad you didn't take it personally, I would like to see this game in a few months :) keep it up!