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Hello, no worries, this has been reported by a number of folks. We have a patch coming soon that will fix it.

If you wanted to fix it yourself, open MYTH_CGC_PartyUI_TypeA in a text editor and go down to functions processTouch near the bottom of the plugin. You will want to change one function called inside it from activateActorStatusWindow() to activatePartyStatusWindow().



Let us know if that fixes the issue. If problems are still happening we can troubleshoot further.

Thanks for getting back to me so fast. This worked for the error message itself. I can click between party members, but the deck for the other party member doesnt load and neither does their status icon.

Are you peeking before their first turn? CGC doesn’t draw Hands for them until their turn starts. As for Status Icons, are they not appearing on the Actor Status Window (one on the bottom-left)?

Ok I may be confused a bit as well. When I click end turn but there is no transition between actors, and it stays on the starting actor. Also correct they arent appearing in the actor status window but this may also have to do with it not being their turn.

Would you be able to provide some screenshots of the issue? Having trouble replicating on our end which means there might be some other errors happening.


Here is a clip the quality is bad but in it I have a one line battle processing event activated on action button. The battle loads and I use a skill then attempt to end turn. I also click different characters and nothing happens. Let me know if it works. Thank you for your help.

Thank you for sending in the video! This clarifies things immensely. It clearly looks like a bug because the Actor Status Window should be changing to match the character whose hand you are peeking. When you hit End Turn, does the turn not move over to the next party member?

No it doesn't it auto guards for the initial party member who's turn it was currently.

Does the Skill that is tied to End Turn have the <willEndTurn> Notetag? That will be needed to pass the turn.

Oh this makes since, so my ID 2 is set to guard in skills and that is the end turn skill ID also.  It must trigger guard when I click end turn. Should I change the end turn skill ID to its own or should I add <willEndTurn> to the notes of guard?

So I added <willEndTurn> to guard and now they switch on end turn. The actor status window still doesnt change while peeking