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Hello Gaji,

It seems we didn't get a notification for your initial thread because it was not on the main Bug Report thread (  Please make sure to post there in the future if you would like a fast response. We only check the other threads on each platform around once a week.

We have fixed this bug for the next update, but you can workaround this issue by adding the Card Action ``Wait 60`` after any time a Move/Shuffle action would happen. The issue is happening because a Card Action is trying to act on Card which have their Card Sprites are either moving from Zone to Zone or moving within a Zone (like shuffling). By waiting for roughly 1 second (~60 frames), it allows the movement to conclude before the next Action takes place. If ``Wait 60`` does not work, try ``Wait 120`` as well which may be necessary if you are dealing with a lot of cards being moved in one go.

And if that doesn't work, let us know and we can troubleshoot further.


MythAtelier Team 

Hello ariDingus,

Folks on the Discord have already figured this one out so we are posting their solution here for Shared Actor Decks:

1. You'll need to make a change to the CGC v1.6.2 Core Engine plugin file, open it in a text editor/IDE and go to line 5491. You will need to change the if statement to match the following:

2. Create a new Actor (called this one DummyLeader) and set them to an empty Class (one with no Skills to Learn). If you are using Block Generate, make sure to include <Hide Health> and <Hide Block> notetags so that it is the party members taking the damage and not the leader.

3. Create two Common Events: one which will execute before a Battle (here called Dummy Leader Start) and one that will execute after a Battle (here called Dummy Leader Cleanup).

Dummy Leader Start will add the Dummy Leader and then add all the Cards from other Party Members and apply the FullStun state on them (keeps them Stunned until the end of battle). You will also need to initialize any local variables you need for Card Actions to process. In the screenshot, it should have the local variables we use for the Demo Project. We also override Max Battle Members function to allow for 1 more Actor.

Script Call for DummyLeader Start

$gameParty.swapOrder(0, $gameParty.members().length - 1);
$gameParty.leader()._skillCards.clear(); $gameParty.leader()._cardDeck.clear();
Game_Party.prototype.maxBattleMembers = function() { return 5; };
for(var i = 1; i < $gameParty.members().length; i++)
  $gameParty.members()[i]._skillCards._data.forEach((skill) => {$gameParty.leader().addCardToZone(skill._skillId, "deck")});

Dummy Leader Cleanup is a lot simpler. The Dummy Leader must lose all their Cards, the previous Party Leader should be put on back on top and reset the MaxBattleMembers function in case there are any battles that don't use the Dummy Leader. Lastly, we remove the DummyLeader from the Party as we are only using them for Battles.

Script Call for Dummy Leader Cleanup

$gameParty.leader()._skillCards.clear(); $gameParty.leader()._cardDeck.clear();
$gameParty.swapOrder(0, $gameParty.members().length - 1);
Game_Party.prototype.maxBattleMembers = function() { return 4; };

4. Before any Battle Processing Event, make sure you include a call to the DummyLeader Start Common Event and after the event make sure to include a call to the DummyLeader Cleanup Event.

There are still a few things remaining such as making the DummyLeader not targetable by Enemy or Ally actions. Those can be achieved through other plugins like YEP Target Core and YEP Selection Control.

This solution can also work if you don't want a Dummy Leader. You will just need to save the old deck of that Actor and then like Dummy Leader clear their deck and add the Cards again. Note: If you are using Independent Card Variables plugin, those values won't transfer over as the newly added Cards will have them set to initial values.

Once you have this working, you can modify this solution to have cards drawn on a specific Actor's turn. Follow up on this thread or the How To Do This thread. We are happy to continue to troubleshooting this with you :)


MythAtelier Team

Great suggestion! We’ll include it with the next patch :)

Blocked Elements already supports this? You can list multiple Damage Type IDs seperated by comma (e.g. 1, 3, 4) and they will be blocked by the Block State. Please don't stack multiple instances of the Block Generate plugin. Also this type of post should be in the Feedback & Feature Requests thread.

(1 edit)

Hey Arcanamoon,

Please try placing this in the Skill Notetag and see if it works:

<Card Actions>
Select 1 Type Attack from Discard
Move Selected to Hand
Clear Selected
Wait 30
Select All from Discard
Eval var type = "Attack"; var win = SceneManager._scene._cardSelectionWindow; win._cardsSelected = win._cardsSelected.filter(card => Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType(type).includes(card._skillId));
Move Selected to Deck
Clear Selected
Wait 90
Shuffle Deck
</Card Actions>

The Select All Type X from zoneName Card Action is available in CGC v1.6.3 but that update has not launched yet so we are implementing it using an Eval method. You can replace  "Attack" with the specific Type Name  you want to use for your version of the card. You will need to replace it both in the first line and in the Eval. Finally, make sure there is a wait time between Moving the Cards and Shuffling the Deck. Shuffling while the Cards are in transit will cause a crash (this has also been fixed for CGC v1.6.3) so the Wait time is a safety measure to make sure they get there before the next Card Action.

<card actions="">Let us know if this works on your end. If you run into any issues, we can troubleshoot here until the solution works.</card>

<card actions="">Thanks,</card>

<card actions="">MythAtelier Team

As many as the number of Skills in the Database. I believe RPG Maker MV's limit on that is 2000. RPG Maker MZ allows you to go well past that limit but it could result in some performance dips.

Please follow these steps to fix the issue

Yes, Arcanamoon, that’s what we meant. YEP Message Core and YEP X Message Eval Text plugins are compatible with CGC for the specific purpose that you are requesting.

We will consider building the feature into CGC natively so you don’t have to use Yanfly Engine plugins if you don’t want (though we highly recommend them, especially Action Sequences and Buff States Core).

Looking forward to seeing your dream card game in action. Let us know if you have any other questions :)


MythAtelier Team

Waiting for some stuff to go through on Steam before we push the update.

Hasn't gone through yet, my guy. Not much we can do until the other team gets back to us. Hope you are having a good New Year :)

Hello Arcanamoon, 

It looks like you have either not included YEP Message Core or YEP Message Eval Text in the plugin order. Please post a screencap of your Plugin Manager list so that we can make it work. This solution has become standard practice for everyone using CGC in MV so we should be able to get it working.


MythAtelier Team

Because you got the syntax wrong. Try

Deal \evalText<<$gameParty.leader().atk>> to one Enemy.

Once you have that working, we can get into more specific conditions.

Hey Arcanamoon, if you are using MV then YEP Message Eval Text is your best bet. Use the evalText<<>> Notetag in the Skill Description and you will be able to show formulas. You can have it pull the stats of the user and show the damage formula based on that :)

Hello KBGaming&&Music,

You can dynamically alter Skill Costs via either plugins like YEP Skill Core or our Independent Card Variables plugin.

If you are using YEP Skill Core, you can use the <Custom MP Cost> Notetag in order to have it such that a particular Actor gets to cast this Skill for free.

<Custom MP Cost>
if(user.actorId() == 2)
  cost = 0;
</Custom MP Cost>

If you would like this to work at the Skill Type level then you might need to use YEP Buff States Core and have a check similar to this on the State itself when the user goes to select the Skill in the menu (which is the CGC equivalent of hovering over the card in Hand).

If you are using Independent Card Variables, you can create a Variable for the card instance and set it to 0, then assign it to the MP Cost.

<Card Passives>
Var(0) init 0
</Card Passives>
<MP cost = var(0)>

The MP Cost will change if you change the value of the Variable via another Card Action, Damage Formula or Script Call.

The second request is a little easier but you'll have to include it in the Card Actions Notetag of each Card. You can check for the user's Actor ID in an if statement and if they match then have the Card move to the Deck/Hand after play and skip to a Label at the End. If not, then it will move to Discard/Exile as the Card normally does.

<Card Actions>
//Do Card Actions Here ...
If (user.actorId() == 2)
Move this to Deck
If (user.actorId() == 2)
Jump to End
Move this to Discard
Label End
</Card Actions>

There is currently no way to bind a Card Action like Discard or Remove to a Zone destination so it will need to be done manually. This will be a feature introduced in a future update.

Hope this helps. Let us know if there is more we can do.


MythAtelier Team

Hello IkariMan,

Thank you for reporting this in! We took a detailed look at the Roguelike Dungeon and along with the bug you reported found two others that were affecting the 

  • Variables 10 and 11 which contain the data for the Node Map and the Adjacency paths gets wiped if you load from a save because they are Javascript objects that were not serialized in a format that RPG Maker knows how to load. As a result when you load from a Save and attempt to move, there is no data in those variables to access resulting in a crash.
  • Randomization issue with the Nodes which carries over across runs in a given save file. Not only do the Nodes not properly change each run but all non-fixed Nodes on a Floor will eventually turn into Chests.
  • Max Mana bonuses do not clear when you retreat, die in or clear the Dungeon. As a result you can keep stacking the Solo Bonus to grant your party leader a much higher amount of Max Mana than what they should be starting out with.

These issues can all be fixed, but they will need significant edits to script call blocks within various Map and Common Events. If you would be willing to wait for the next update, these fixes will be implemented to the updated Demo Project. However, if you need these changes now and are willing to do them manually, please follow these steps:

1. In the Demo Project, open the Database to the Common Events tab and open  #13 FloorStart. You'll see pairs of script calls within if statements that are responsible for doing the generation of the Node Map and Adjacency Paths for each Floor (under the comments "//Creating the Map for Floor 1", "//Creating the Map for Floor 2" etc.).

In the first script call block of each set, add the following statement at the end:

$gameSystem._adjMap = JSON.stringify(Array.from(adjMap));

In the second script call block of each set, add the following statement at the end:

$gameSystem._nodeMap = JSON.stringify(Array.from(nodeMap));

The result should look like the images below. Please hit Apply to save these changes before moving to the next step.

2. In the same Common Event, scroll down to the script call block under the comment labelled "//Activating the Events on the Floor Map". Open this script call block, copy the contents of the block below and paste over the one in the Common Event:

$gameVariables.value(11).forEach((value, key) => {
  $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'A'], false);
  $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'B'], false);
  $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'C'], false);
  $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'D'], false);
    case "Battle": case "Boss": $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'A'], true); break;
    case "Chest": $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'B'], true); break;
    case "Rest": $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'C'], true); break;
    case "Exit": $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, key, 'D'], true); break;

The result should look like the image below. Please hit Apply to save these changes before moving to the next step.

3. Open the Common Event #19 Dungeon Cleanup and scroll down to the script call block under the Retreated message. Open it and add the following statement within curly braces of the forEach loop:

actor._paramPlus[1] = 0;

The result should look like the image below. Please hit Apply to save these changes before moving to the next step.

4. Close the Database and go onto the Map Dungeon > Floor 1. Look for the Floor1ControlEvent located at the top-left corner of the map. Select the Event and open the first script call block. Copy the contents of the block below and paste it above what already is in the script call block:

var mapAdj = new Map(JSON.parse($gameSystem._adjMap));
var mapNode = new Map(JSON.parse($gameSystem._nodeMap)); $gameVariables.setValue(10, mapAdj); $gameVariables.setValue(11, mapNode);

The result should look like the second image. Please hit Apply to save these changes.

Repeat this process for each of the Floor Maps of the Dungeon (Floor 2 and Floor 3 remain). All Floors have the same Control Event at the top-left corner.

5. Please run the game and enter the Rougelike Dungeon with any combination of characters. To confirm whether these changes have fixed the issue, after completing one Node, select Status and Save the game. Then close the game (either by choosing Game End or closing the window) and reopen it to load from the Save you just made. If you are able to continue progress in the Dungeon Floor, then it is working as intended. If not, please let us know and we can troubleshoot any issues you have run into with you.

We appreciate your patience in this matter and thank you for being giving us the steps to reproduce this bug. We'll sleep easier once the update is out knowing that users will not run into this issue.


MythAtelier Team

Hello IkariMan,

Yes, you can change these using the Help Box Control plugin. Should be in its plugin parameters as Width and Height.

Also we've seen your other post in the Bug Report thread! Just give us some time to give you the steps to solve that issue (it's the holidays, so bit of a skeleton crew right now).


MythAtelier Team

Hello Ikari Man,

Thanks for reporting this in! Turns out it is a bug with the script calls used in the Reward Common Event.

We have the solution outlined here:

Please implement the fix on your end and let us know if you are still running into this issue. If so, we will continue to troubleshoot  with you until it is resolved :)


MythAtelier Team

Sure! It’s CutieVirus’ MV3D ( / MZ3D ( Excellent plugin for making 2.5/3D maps with RPG Maker :)

Quite possibly. What other features did you have in mind?


 Their plugins are obsfuscated making it difficult to extend compatibility to them without access to the unencrypted/original code. When we request VisuStella team for assistance to extend to their suite, it was denied. Until such a time as their team feels like cooperating with us, CGC plugins will not be compatible with the VisuStella suite. We will continue to negotiate with them until a deal can be reached.

Apolgies for the inconvenience,

MythAtelier Team

Thanks for checking it out! These sound like some solid fixes and changes for a future version of the game :)

Hey Arcanamoon,

You can already do this a few different ways: 

- You can have this be part of the Battle Start / Turn Start params. Use the Eval Card Action and then call the gainHp(), gainMp(), gainTp() for the user to set their starting resources.

- You can tie these to the End Turn button Card Actions (in the Demo Project we use the End Turn button to reset a number of local variables)

- You can do this via Troop Events and set up Commands to change either an actor's or the party's resources at the Start/End of each Turn

- You can set in the Traits table for your Actor or Class how much they recover (in the Demo Project we have MP Regenerate to 100% to emulate the recovery of Energy per turn in Slay the Spire).

Let us know if these ways work for you or you require another solution for them.


MythAtelier Team

Hello again Arcanamoon, this was actually a lot of fun to figure out and we'll be including it with the next update. Let's get into it.

So, first, you need to edit the MYTH_CGC_Card Types plugin and include two new functions at the bottom.

1. Go to the js/plugins folder in the project directory. Open MYTH_CGC_CardTypes.js in a text editor (like Notepad) or IDE (like Visual Studio) and scroll all the way to the bottom.

2. Copy and paste the following code block below the last curly brace so that it doesn't mess with the existing functions.

//Returns array of Skill IDs that have ANY of the listed types
Myth.CGC.getIDsOfTypesOR = function (...types)
    var matchType = [];
    for (let type of types) matchType = matchType.concat(Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType(type));
    return matchType;
//Returns array of Skill IDs that have ALL of the listed types
Myth.CGC.getIDsOfTypesAND = function (...types) 
     var matchType = [];
     for (let type of types)
         if (matchType.length == 0)
             matchType = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType(type);
         nextType = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType(type);
         matchType = nextType.filter(elem => matchType.includes(elem));
      return matchType;

3. Save this copy of MYTH_CGC_CardTypes and close the editor.

Now, open up your RPG Maker project and go to the Skill Notetags of the Card in your project where you are trying to generate Cards of both Rare and Fire type. The Eval script call will now look like this:

Eval var skillIDs = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfTypesAND("Rare", "Fire"); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * skillIDs.length); user.addCardToZone(skillIDs[index],"hand"); BattleManager._logWindow.addText("Added \c[6]" + $dataSkills[skillIDs[index]].name + "\c[0] to Hand.");

This will look through the Database for Skills that have both "Rare" and "Fire" type and then add them to the pool of cards that could be generated. This function is not restricted to two types btw, you can specify any number of types and get the result you want.

Let us know if you are able to get it working on your end. Happy to continue troubleshooting till we get things working :)


MythAtelier Team

Hello mofmof,

Thanks for reporting in this error! This is may be from a known bug that has been resolved for Card Game Combat Version 1.6.3 which will be coming out sometime December Week 2 of this year. We'll check back in with you to see if that bug has been resolved once the update is out.

We did notice in the last image you posted that "Enter hand: Skill 99" is outside of the <Card Passives> notetag block. Make sure to keep Card Actions and Card Passives inside their Notetag blocks so that the plugin can properly process them.


MythAtelier Team

Sure, we can provide that for you. What we will recommend for now is moving this conversation to the Feature Request thread where we can follow up with you more easily. It’s a little awkward having this conversation in the comments of a Dev Log where others can’t benefit from the solution :)

Hey Arcanamoon, the getIDsOfType function does not support processing multiple types. It will only return you the IDs for "Rare" cards. Do you need a version of the function that works for multiple types? This will require a plugin edit but it is doable :)

This can already be done actually! If you are using MV, you can use YEP Message Eval Text in order to make that formula calculation by grabbing the current active actor and accessing their params. Make sure to set Active Updating on Text Format Plus to true so you are seeing the most recent value on the card.

You can also use our Independent Card Variables plugin we have which stores variables on a card instance and has a text component which updates when those variables are changed. ICVs can also be used in Damage Formulas so you can probably achieve what you described using these.

As to Deck Editor and multiple types, it will exclude the Cards if they have even one of the types that is excluded. If that doesn't work for you, then you can use the Require Eval in the Deck Restriction Notetags to make a custom restriction that works with the configuraiton you want for your game.

Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.

(1 edit)

Thanks for sending these through! This should help us troubleshoot what's going on.

- Plugin Manager looks good. We should be compatible with all the YEP, SRD and Kadokawa plugins you have listed. Unfamiliar with PDX plugins but it doesn't look like they interact with anything related to Card Game Combat.

- Core Engine params look good. Would you be able to send through a screencap of the Database page for Skill 2? It might be missing the Will End Turn passive which is necessary to pass the player party's turn and allow enemies to act in Battle (otherwise it always stays as the Player's Turn).

- It looks like a number of Card Types have unassigned values. This is not related to the errors you have reported, but please share a screencap of your Card Types list in the Card Types plugin parameters.  If you copied the values over from the Demo Project to a fresh project, it is possible that many of them don't match which is why the console is giving a warning.

If you can provide the screencaps requested above, we can continue working towards figuring out what's going on with your project :)

Good day Arcanamoon,

Yes, there is a way to alter the End/Discard Phase. The Hand Discard actually happens at the Turn Start for the Party, so if you don't want the Hand discarded you can edit the Turn Start parameters in CGC Core Engine and remove the Eval that does the Discard before the cards are drawn by the following Eval. In the Blank Templates, you'll see that it is a lot simpler and we use the Card Action "Discard Until 0" at Turn Start, that can just be removed to have more traditional card gameplay. We cover this exact topic in our tutorial video about Card Actions.

And yes, plugin updates will go across all platforms we make our plugins available. For Steam, there will be a slight delay as GGG needs to localize new content we add to Japanese and once that's done will be part of the following month's update to RPG Maker MV & MZ.

Sure! We'll look into it and issue a patch once we have a better idea of what's causing it.

That's extremely unusual. Would you be able to share with us your Plugin Manager List so we can replicate your setup?

Hey Legoguy 9875,

Sorry to hear you are having these issues. Could you please post screencaps of the following from your project:

- List of all plugins in the Plugin Manager

- Plugin Parameter page for CGC Core Engine

- End Turn Button Parameter in CGC Core Engine (click to expand the box and take a screencap of that)

- Console Log when you are running a Battle (press F8 while the game is running and take a screencap of the window)

Once you have to that to us we can start troubleshooting these issues.


MythAtelier Team

Thanks for reporting this in! Could you post a screenshot of the console log (press F8 while the game is running) when the crash happens? That'll help us figure out what is causing this issue.

No worries about Eng. Yeah, you can do a lot with just the functionality of the Core Engine and the support plugins we have in there. Our sample game in the Demo Project is built off just that core plugin suite. 

Deck Editor and Card Shop are expansion plugins that build on top of it but you don't need them to start off work on your game and can get them later if you so chose.

Hopefully soon. Waiting for some stuff to go through on Steam before we push the update. Will definitely be available before the end of this year.

Hello dasnotme,

The Demo Project is part of the Bundle you'll purchase for Card Game Combat. It serves as a playable demo for how to use the plugin and provides a number of examples of playable cards that take advantage of the various features of the plugin.

If you would like to look at the features in action without purchasing the plugin, we recommend checking out the Tutorial Video Series linked on the Store Page. It goes through a number of the listed features and shows in-engine examples of how they can be used.

For finished examples of games that use our plugin check out this collection for games on There are also a few games on Steam such as Deckbuilder Fantasy and Ember's Love which use the plugin.

Hope that helps,

MythAtelier Team

Thanks for reporting this in! We'll look into the issue and have it fixed for the next update :)

You can use the Play SE Card Action to play the corresponding SE in either the Turn Start Actions plugin parameter in Core Engine or as part of a Skill that triggers on Turn Start or End (such as the End Turn button). You can also configure SE for Enter and Exit Zone triggers in each of the Zone plugin parameters (Hand, Deck, Discard, Extra Zones) in Core Engine.

Thanks for reporting these in! We'll look into both of them :)

There are few different ways to do this, this one is the easiest. It uses keywords from both Card Action Pack 1 and Card Action Pack 2:

<Card Actions>
Select All from Deck Eval var win = SceneManager._scene._cardSelectionWindow; win._cardsSelected = win._cardsSelected.filter(card => card._skillId == 10); Transform Selected into 11 Clear Selection </Card Actions>

We grab the Deck, then filter the Selection to all Cards that match the Skill ID of 10 ("Fire"). Once we have all the Cards which match the Skill ID, we Transform the Selection to Skill ID 11 ("Superfire"). Once this operation is done we clear the Selection for future operations. When you check your Deck after playing this card, you will see that all Fire cards in the Deck have changed to Superfire.

Let me know if this works for you or if another solution is required.

Thanks for sending these through! This will be really helpful :)

And yes, the Move this action defaults to selecting the Top of a Zone when you move a Card, so you can simply say: 

<Card Actions>
Move this to Deck
</Card Actions> 

This will make the Card will go to the top of the Deck. So long as that Deck is not shuffled, the order of the cards in the Zone should be maintained. If you have the Card Action Pack 2 plugin, you can go further by specifying Bottom, Middle and Random as positions in the target Zone to Move a Card to.