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The auditorium/mall/barn scenes are meant to be vague about when they happen, so that characters who have interesting concepts in their stories can have their specific  version of the scene happen at a convenient point. If I made the scenes all happen at a hard firm point in the story, a lot of the characters would end up being pretty samey because technically after their last story unlock, nearly all the girls are comfortable nudists.

For Raine's 4th CG its not an art contrivance or a coincidence; it's more of, the scene  is triggered by it raining when she's controlled enough for it to happen. Susan's clothes are repaired when her condition is reset. As a general rule, the reset arranges things to be least disruptive possible, and smooths over what can't be altered by making the person reset unaware of the difference caused.

(3 edits)

Thanks for responding. Small clarification: I meant, when Helen explains how to find/see those cutscenes, she would clarify that all three types of scenes (auditorium/mall/barn) take place at different, varying points in their individual arcs instead of all happening after their final CG or at a specific point in the timeline--or even sequentially among themselves (since Nichole's barn scene has to take place before almost all her other cutscenes). She could follow up by saying something like "so don't worry if it seems like your control over them has waned; that's just a natural side-effect of pearl resets!" The only hard firm point is when the explanation itself shows up: once the player levels up any character enough to unlock that person's auditorium scene. Does it sound like something you'd be willing to implement now?

I  think adding  a  clarification in-game about it  would  really only  make  people more  confused.  By  calling specific attention to  it,  it will prompt people  to  put more  thought into  it,  and  given how text is as a  medium for  communication, there  will be  people who  misunderstand the explanation  and get  confused.