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Being able to play it directly from an page is a big plus. A good representation of the tower defence genre, with a whole soundtrack to boot! A decent amount of time could be sunk into this game for something made in a small amount of time.

A couple of problems come to mind. Firstly, if you Title Screen names the game "White Hawk War", why have you titled it "Tower Defence Game" on the itch? Consistency is key! Secondly, the towers all have the same slow moving projectile which makes the ability to choose a bit redundant. Thirdly, it feels like the sounds aren't synced up for some reason, I hear things shooting and dying without anything coming across on screen. Next, once you have chosen a tower you cannot choose another one which means that if you picked the wrong tower by mistake, theres no way to change your mind. Finally, it's hard to tell what towers have what stats and it largely comes down to trial and error.

Despite the complaints, and as previously mentioned, the game is surprisingly deep given the time it took to make it. It seems that effort has been made to balance everything and make the game more than a "press-button simulator". I had fun whilst playing it, which is the main factor!