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(1 edit)

Now that I am able to play the game, it is a game that comfortably meets the requirements as defined in the brief. A unique take the "hold space to go up" movement style although I do think that some more attention here and there would be nice.

At one point, failing at a level could send you 5-6 levels back, meaning that failure is punished heavily. If this is intentional, you may want to consider how much you set players back on failing a level; If it isnt intention, look at your code closely and play test for bugs etc. Some graphical improvements would have been nice rather than basic shapes and text, even if it is rough around the edges. Finally, consider how you export the game, in terms of the quantity of files. Is it possible to have an all-in-one application?

All in all, a solid submission with some nice attention to level design and movement. Some more tweaks and improvements here and there would go a long way to making the experience more enjoyable.