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(1 edit)

Your student number should be in the title to make it easier to find out who you are! A good attempt at replicating the flappy bird style of play, sprites are well made and would be a solid submission if tweaks are made.

The scrolling environment was nice, albeit a bit stuttery based on how the sprite is reset. Perhaps it might have been nice to try to keep the sprite similar throughout to reduce the chance of the reset being noticeable. Secondly, the movement and hit detection is a bit harsh at times which means that navigating the obstacles can be especially difficult. Although Flappy Bird does something similar, it is more forgiving. It would only require minor tweaks to collision boxes and input to fix this. Also there is no upper boundary to you can spam left click and fly off into space!

Overall, this is a decent submission with the right idea and with some tweaks, a very impressive product would be made. Well done.