Tech seems to work more or less.
Gameplay: Feels kinda dull. Hate that charging your weapon makes you so slow. I could not figure out a way to beat the knights without losing hp. I like Arctower a lot, and your combat and movement atm just feels worse in every aspect. I think the charging weapon swing has potential to be neat, but so far it's rather boring "hold LMB for 2 seconds and btw you can barely move while you do this." Jumping is very odd! Skeptical about the delay on SP regeneration, I did not immediately understand why I sometimes stopped swinging my weapon at all. Really I would like to play this as a shooter, not like an autistic sword fighting simulator. I mean, I guess Dark Souls style can also be fine, but obviously a lot is missing for that, too.
The classic roguelike UI on the right is more an annoyance. Would be cool if it showed at least the full floor (as far as you have discovered), since one easily wanders in circles. But map is so zoomed in it barely helps with that.
Wish you all the best with your efforts, would love an Arctower style game with less metaprogression and more classic rogue progression.