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Good feedback, thank you! 

What specifically didn't work, did the scenes not start at all?

I should probably tweak the masturbate to lure enemies option to be more clear who will be affected. The defeat should work, as long as its enabled in options and enough grit points are available.

There is also initating sex through dialogue (for servants), and an item you can get to initiate sex with any creature by pointing at them.

But im always open to more suggestions :)

They didn't even start, even though I had enough hearts for the creature, I discovered the cheat window, so I managed to force the relay to start with the staff, then I uninstalled the game and downloaded it again, and for some reason, it worked now, no I know what could have happened but it's resolved now.

I'm having performance problems even on an RTX 3050 with 32Gb of RAM, I don't know why, it doesn't make sense to me, but I managed to stabilize it by configuring the graphics, I'm not charging you for this, as this part is for the end of the development.

I'm just having problems with quests that get stuck and don't go forward, but you're already aware of that, so I won't dwell on the subject, I'm waiting for updates on this.

I would like to thank you, even with the simple demonstration, I loved your game, you pay attention to details and have a lot of care, that is remarkable, I don't want to spend hours praising you, but I was educated in a way to recognize when someone does something positive and good, your game is good, very good.

I just remembered: there is also a problem where when I click continue game in the main menu all my buildings disappear, the bed, house, everything disappears, but I think you are aware of that too, thank you for everything, I'm waiting for your game to be ready. but again I repeat my advice, take it easy on the scope of the project, alone it is difficult, the difficulties of development can discourage you and make you give up on the project, just try to fix what you already have for now, and leave everything stable, so that you If you want, you can stop, stop, but I left something stable to play with. Thank you very much again, I will be following your project closely, I really liked it, congratulations.

Hopefully some of these issues will be adressed in the next update. Lots of optimizations has been done, the save system remade from scratch and hopefully most systems will be more robust in general due to this.

I very much appreciate both the feedback and the praise, thank you so much! :)