Thanks for the feedback. Did you by any chance examine yourself? The character is a seeker of magic, not a master thief. There is a big difference.
I'm surprised that you ran out of nouns, unless you were using nouns not in the game. Virtually every noun can be examined (even the irrelevant ones) and will provide a response. Certainly all the highlighted nouns are understood.
I just worked out that there are 149 verbs understood, not counting abbreviations, so you must have been trying some pretty weird verbs. Were there any that you tried that you thought should have been understood? If so, I'm happy to add them if I do an update.
As an experienced adventurer myself, I was worried that the game might have been a bit easy. It's always hard to tell until it's been play tested by someone else and my play testers seemed to be pretty happy with the difficulty level. It's probably a thinking person's adventure. Think through the problem and the solution will come to you.
Most importantly, when you solved a puzzle that had you stumped, did you think to yourself "Of course! It's so obvious! Why didn't I think of that in the first place?" If so, I've achieved my aim.