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That is beyond awesome to me, my dear! I know that feeling, those discontinuation woes. I keep shoving mine in a closet marked with caution tape, lol. All the more reason, I do not want to let you or any other IF lover down.

I am thrilled that you've taken a shine to the family and friends I've made for the MC and the world.  I have read Superstition (every season like 7 times) from 13Leagues, but believe it or not, I haven't read ToA yet! It's on the ever-growing list of things for me to catch up on. Maybe I will hold off just in case, I don't want to be under the influence while I'm writing, lol.

You've made me giddy with delight at your kind words, my friend. I am also hoping to wiggle in my favorite kitty cat as much as possible. He'll be there to demand to be held and get fur on your clothes. Thank you for reading! ^_^