Pretty solid overall! I couldn’t figure out how to get up to the sideways portals the normal way in the final challenge and just hopped up alongside the edge of the stage instead, which was far easier. It seemed like the one on the wall accessible from ground level didn’t do anything, though I suspect it sends you back to the start of that puzzle? Okay I now see the gif of that level and am not sure I even had a box on the first platform, definitely the pad didn’t light up, but hopping across the lava was easy enough to do.
I definitely agree that it’s far too floaty but really the issue is a lack of a shadow. If we had one directly underneath showing where the little robot was at all times i’m sure it would’ve felt much easier to aim - the blue circle seemed like it was supposed to be that, but it didn’t stay on the ground, making it not so useful. The energy mechanic seemed out of place, especially with the recharge pickups giving so little.
I like the art and vibes, but am not much of a fan of invisible walls and places looking explorable or like secrets could be there only for it not to be? I think there’s a way to do the geometry such that it retains its cool look without sacrificing readability of where exactly you’re supposed to be and where you’re just wasting your time, especially with the cat (who i did get to) easter egg giving a hint of suggestion that exploration is possible or lucrative.
Overall it’s really well made, smooth and fairly polished, definitely a solid entry for the jam. Are y’all planning to develop this further? Could be cool to see what you could cook up with some more time :)