I am extremely impressed, did you seriously make this in 6 days!? A clear and distinct visual style which made recognising what the player needed to look at very easy. Gameplay was engaging with a clear difficulty progression, simple mechanics with different scenarios rather than piling on mechanics. Soundtrack was non-intrusive and worked for the game. Writing and narrative was humorous and engaging, a whole story was there from start to finish. Downloading and accessing the game was simple with an available installer which is greatly appreciated.
I found that nearer the end of the game, as faster and faster actions were required, the menus became a bit finicky to navigate. There were times where I had the right input but the menu didn't register the hit, but some of those can be attributed to me just missing. The green/red mark every time something was accepted is nice, but can be a little obstructive when it covers the whole screen. Perhaps it would have worked better coming from the top of the pit, still within player vision but not covering a lot of screen space.
I would seriously consider keeping this in the reserve and working on expanding it when you have some free time. Because this is something that I can absolutely see on a marketplace and potentially even purchasing myself. Fantastic work!