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An intuitive use of the single control requirement, simple but effective visual style which does work in favor for the game. Definitely something I would expect to see on the marketplace from one of the may hyper-casual game dev companies.

Consider how you export the game, is the method that people access your game the most effective solution, or are there alternatives that you could have done? Secondly, it is hard to tell how the game works, whilst you have put it on your game page, some people may not read it. Having some in-game form of instructions (perhaps in a menu) would go a long way to improve user experience. In addition, the beginning platform should always be static as there were times where the player instantly loses. Finally, there were some instances of bugs, particularly surrounding losing which can cause the game to freeze.

Overall, this product could do with some bugfixing and quality of life changes, but a novel idea that is visually appealing. Both of which make up the core of what makes a good hyper-casual game. Good work.