Cool I going to check later. idk if my pc can handle it.
the concept sees cool. The game need optimization, as you said.
- Disabling shadows option
- Compress texture & audio
- Hide polygons/models when the player is not looking
- use a fog like minecraft for hide things far from player
Special tip: Use "var :=" on variables & constants on Godot engine. In Gdscript the variables can change type, when you use "var :=" instead of "var =" you optimize the definition for the game engine. So Godot don't need to discover and define it.
btw: just suggestions, thanks for reading.
Thank you for sharing! Integrated graphics certainly isn’t ideal–I’m not sure if the CPU is slowing down the game processing either or not. I’m developing on an Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti and do not currently have access to lower hardware, so I apologize. I’m adding a few more small settings like shadow tweaks, but new updates probably won’t be released for a little bit while I get some personal life stuff out of the way. I do greatly appreciate your interest! Hopefully things will run smoother in the future, haha.