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I know which risks I take when do such heavy decisions in updates. But nothing will change my plans. I will do the game in the way I want it. Stay tuned to the next updates and return if you wish.


Nobody likes a bullheaded artist that can't take criticism. I think I'm finished as well just because of your pretentious attitude.


If you say this - you dont follow my Discord. If you are not sub just wait when 0.5.2b will come Public and you will understand why I say so about "my plans" and that I would not change them. Come on, its plot plans, obvious my plot will not change if I want to do something. All other things I ALWAYS listen, half of quality of life updates was made because I was asked. But again, its your decision, I cant demand to love my game. Thank you for following my work in past, will be glad to change your mind.


I don't need to follow your discord. Reacting to criticism this way is all I needed to see. I personally don't care what you decide to put in your game. It's yours. What I do care about is how you treat people. 


What I said wrong? I want to understand. Person said he dont like my decision about Alex. I told I know what this update can cause, but I will follow my plans about plot. Where is criticism and where I treat my auditory bad?


You didn't, this dude is just weird lol. Keep up the good work!