You dont get any sex content with a char randomly. You decide which chars to meet and get intimate. The only "gay" thing you can see without your choice is kiss on head from your brother, everything else only if you choose males on map.
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Constant way to make money is work with Alex in cafe. One-time money getting can be done with first come to Hotel (you will receive free money to test boys/girls here but you can just go home) and first testing bet in Fighting Club if you follow Jay route. New ways to make money will be added in next updates (like repeating bets in Fighting Club and weekly money from mother for first month of game).
About characters. You can just look at main menu. If we count relationship goals right now there is 7 (Alex, Jay, Uma, Ichiro, Steven, Evelyn, Elizabeth). If we count overall characters which will have their routes in future - Samael and Belfagor. Also plot char King (guy with half face covered). Near time will be added Gluttony. Also bunch of random chars which used in some activities like Fighting Club, gym coach, Hotel staff, slime char in events etc.
Because it doesn't make sense. The game is constantly being updated, and accordingly so is the Nude Mod. Buying 20$ Tier on Patreon you get all animations, Nude Mod and the game all together. You don't need to buy every month if it's a lot for someone, once every six months or year is enough. The game goes public every month anyway, and I really need "constant" financial support much more than a year ago.
"Easily " is not the right term. Dont make it sound as if I created each char in 5 minutes and not days. I heard people who say "Hey, its easy to make chars and porn animations, why game updates took so much time?". I will not touch topic about where I live, which already affects it. Yes, its "easy" when you take all ready, ready animation, ready models etc. But I do animations by hand, each second, so they look good and not as some "copy-paste shit". Hey, I try my best to make chars good looking with good proportions >:C Uma with his fur and body marks took a month to make him without bugs. The only thing I can add - if it is so easy, just make own and receive money from subs, why not? If it takes so low effort its like free money from nowhere.
If you say this - you dont follow my Discord. If you are not sub just wait when 0.5.2b will come Public and you will understand why I say so about "my plans" and that I would not change them. Come on, its plot plans, obvious my plot will not change if I want to do something. All other things I ALWAYS listen, half of quality of life updates was made because I was asked. But again, its your decision, I cant demand to love my game. Thank you for following my work in past, will be glad to change your mind.