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Hey there, Thanks for the lengthy feedback :)

I could add a page to explain the different rewards, but sometimes figuring things out can also be fun. A gallery is definitely planned, but it's something I'm pushing a bit for later, because I want to progress the game a bit more first.

There are currently different starter decks for the game but only accessible to certain patreon tiers, sorry. In the future it will be public at one point. I'm currently also trying to make poison more viable with new relics etc. But because poison can be really strong (especially against single targets like elites and bosses), changes will come slowly.

There was definitely an idea to have more than just a shop (maybe someone selling relics, separating healing from the shop itself, an card upgrade place to name a few). Nothing is planned in the close future and maybe it will all be added inside the shop or not at all, we will see ;P Side note: I just recently realized the size of the shop is not scaling properly with screen sizes, so no idea how the alcove looks for you, haha.

Yes the discord will be public soon! I was travelling a lot currently and had inconsistent internet/discord access. That's the reason I was waiting to make it public. Soon I will be sitting at the PC more again, so it will be easier to manage the discord and it will go public.

overworking as solodev? never... Jokes aside, thanks to the many players enjoying the game I have a lot of motivation left to finish this project and improve it as much as I can! And thanks to the Patreon supporters, I can allocate enough time, for it not to take forever.

Thank you for responding to my feedback ^^

I see what you mean, having an immersive story is definitely more important than a gallery at this stage of the game. Good luck with the world building and other story elements! :) 

Oh I see, sorry for not being able to support you on patreon, I hope that the rest of the community is providing enough support for such a great game dev such as yourself ^^

Interesting, using relics to improve poison decks, does this mean that poison decks are meant to be very strong late game decks? Considering that most relics come from defeating bosses. Btw, game balancing can be very hard especially for games with complex mechanics and elements. It’s good that you are taking things slowly to figure out how to balance poison. 

Wow, I didn’t know that all these ideas were even on the table, sounds like the alcove would be getting more vibrant with different mechanics in the future ;). For me, the shop takes up about ⅓ or ¼ of the screen and I can partially see the tree in the background. Btw, I love the soft art you used for the alcove, really gives the vibe that you are in a safe place and away from all the fighting :)

Nice, I can’t wait to join the discord! Btw, I hope you had a smooth journey ^^

Thank you for making such an enjoyable game for all of us ^^ , your commitment to your game is really impressive. All the best to you and your game ^w^