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Trying this game out, pretty good so far, but I'm stuck on a quest.  I'm trying to recover an amulet for the naga priestess, but I can't win the fight at the Thieves' Den.  I thought I was doing good, but then a second wave came... I eventually managed to defeat the second wave after several tries (after figuring out that I could bring Samara along), but then there was a THIRD wave.  This fight is ludicrously difficult for something this early in the game... I know there's a non-violent solution to the quest, but I want the exp, damnit!


There's a FOURTH wave. won't let me post screenshots for some reason, but each wave gets more enemies, and now more than half the tiles are filled by enemies.  I feel like this might be intended to be unwinnable.  :P


Fifth wave.  Almost every tile is covered by a bandit.  I hope I get some sort of reward for getting through all these.  Like, obviously this isn't how you're supposed to resolve the quest, but some sort of easter egg would be nice.  XD


I got to the sixth wave.  Almost every tile has an enemy, including the tile I'm standing in (sometimes they glitch and have multiple things in one tile).  The game lags even when idling.  I think I'll stop this here.


You aren't actually supposed to fight the whole thieves guild, you need to choose the proper answer in the dialogue. This was one of our first quests ever, we need to upgrade it a bit.


Yeah, turns out the thieve's guild is a bit bigger than I thought.  I was kind of under the impression this was a smalltime joint and not The Thieve's Guild (tm), since there's not too many people visible onscreen when you walk in, and the fight looks winnable until more enemies teleport in.

Personally, I thought it'd be funny if you got some sort of joke ending for killing enough of the bandits.  ie, a very tongue in cheek story where you heroically kill each and every bandit in the city and save the world (tm), complete with a CG drawn with the artist's off hand in crayon depicting people celebrating you as the legendary bandit killer.

... or just give the player an instant game over, like if they try to immediately expose Lady Wolf to Sa'id.


Well we plan to add an actual fight with Lady Wolf if you expose her there. But of course there is no way you can win either.