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A member registered Apr 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Some people had issues running it on older laptop with integrated graphics. It should be possible on more recent ones though.

Sadly not at the moment, you need to replay it on windows.

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Of course, there is no difference.

There is some F/F, but it's mostly straight.

You need to finish 3 Blackfur quests:

Keep in mind it's a patreon quest.

Sex scenes with context is the best though.

We are on Steam with this little spin off: Gold & Sand. Avarice will get there too one day, but it's a much bigger game and we want to finish it first.

She doesn't like some outsider cosying up with Moira's faction. You get the chance to improve your relationship later on.

Eventually yes.

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No idea yet for Avarice.

Yes we plan to add a system in game where people can help translate. It's just not in place yet.

You might not have picked the correct answer, I tried it and it seems to work.

You could try to go here:

Then Ctrl + F5

If it doesn't work, try to delete the cache in chrome: F12 > Application > Storage > Cache storage
And delete everything in there.

Then Ctrl + F5

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For the public build, Talk to her after finishing her quest, there should be a dinner at the inn, and then the scene. It's different in the patreon build.

Working on it!

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There is no way to avoid it at the moment, but eventually all the scenes will be avoidable. We just didn't rework the older ones yet.

We have no plans for this at the moment but who knows.

It will when we get the time to work on it.

We have no plans for this for now, mainly because it would be a tone of work to adapt all the art and dialogue.

It's only in game at the moment. You can play them all in the soundtrack gallery.

It has all the content and stops.

Hey, all the quests are here:

You can play the public game and then continue with the patreon version, you wont loose anything.

You will always have access to the version you got while you were a patreon, but not later builds.

It won't become public since the goal is to sell the game here and on Steam once it is finished.

Eventually yes.

Well we plan to add an actual fight with Lady Wolf if you expose her there. But of course there is no way you can win either.

Could you post your issue in our discord bug tracker channel?

You aren't actually supposed to fight the whole thieves guild, you need to choose the proper answer in the dialogue. This was one of our first quests ever, we need to upgrade it a bit.

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No, nothing beyond simple customization, because Redic isn't a blank slate like in Skyrim for example, it's someone with an established past and backstory.

Ideally every 1/2 months, but we rarely manage to do that sadly. We don't plan to release more public quests since the goal is to sell the game on Steam and here when it's done. The public quests are more there to help people decide if they like the game enough to support it.

Press "H" to hide all the UI. But that's about it.

You can ask the devs on our discord:

Strange, could you try with a different browser?

There wont be any actual futa, the closest we'll have is creative use of dildo...

The full game will be sold here and on Steam when it is finished, but not before. Patreon / SubscribeStar community donations is the only way we are able to finance this game development properly, since we don't have the backing of publishers or investors, and we don't want to sell a half backed product. It's not ideal but there is no way around it.

Yes, this game is our main project. Gold & Sand is a little spinoff project with a self contained story happening before Avarice events. More about this here.

Not at the moment, only the combat is affected.

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Yes but you need Patreon to use it.

Yes the game will be available in a lot of languages including Russian (machine translated).

The web version is only the public build, without the patreon content. Check the walkthrough to see all the quests available.

It will be available here on as well. Hopefully Germans can get it here.