In Godot, If you go to Project Settings>General>Display>Window>Stretch>Mode and then set the stretch mode to canvas_items or viewport, you will not have the problem where resizing the window changes what you see.
I think the orders come way too infrequently. They should be way more common in my opinion. A lot of the time I’m just waiting for an order to come in so I have something to do.
I “lost” the game 2 times, and in both, it was because I bought something that I had enough money to buy, but doing so set my money to 0. I don’t think this is a good way of implementing a losing condition. Don’t let the player buy something they don’t have the money for but don’t just close the game when they have no money. Even if I have zero money, I might have the correct plants planted and I might be about to earn money as soon as they grow.
For time management on your part as a dev, if you don’t do it already, consider making a game design document before starting development. That will let you know at any point how much more work needs to be done.