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I enjoyed the demo!

As the previous commenter mentioned, the game definitely starts off slow, but once it picks up, it held my attention.

Love the character dynamics, especially with "Massimo," once everyone groups up into teams.

The puzzles were fun, the "meta mystery" has me intrigued, and I'm curious to see what lies inside that location.

Nice job to everyone who worked on this!

Also, holy verbose MC batman lol.


I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

It's true, the beginning is a bit slow and we're keeping all the feedback in mind, it's one of the parts we want to rework a bit in the future. But nonetheless, it's great to hear that we managed to grab your attention!

The characters are a big part of our story, so it means a lot to us that people like them (so far people really like the dynamic between our MC and "Massimo" which is great news for us lol).

Thank you so much for all the compliments, they truly mean a lot to our team and we hope not to disappoint you with the future updates!