Your game starts at 07:52. This was fantastic. There is so much to find and it was so creative. All the seasons being represented in an area was a great way to show your take on them all. The underwater bones was Lil Biscuit's favorite discovery. Having people to talk to was a smart yet subtle way to give optional quests and move us in a direction to see more of the world. We really appreciate not having fall damage which made getting around easy and not having the experience halted by a game over screen. Also walking on the frozen water was much more fun then dealing with falling in or having to walk around the lakes. Being able to jump video game style to get around was helpful too. The animals and people looking like 2D drawings was an cool artistic direction and added to the storybook feel. Our only issue was the camera would wrongly identify animals but that's so minor. Everything ran smoothly and controlled well. We know there is more to find and we showed the highlights of what we did. Keep up the good work!