Linux users are probably aware, but same deal:
chmod u+x ./linux.x86_64
I'm just getting a black screen with music, but I'll see if I can figure out why it's giving me a hard time. Could be because I'm trying to run it on a 5+ year old laptop lol.
Trying to figure it out still, but if anybody knows how to run the Unity Debugger (or if this is something I can do as an end user) I might be able to track down what's going on. It's not throwing anything to the terminal. Could be an issue with trying to run Unity stuff in Wayland, too.
[EDIT] Same issue running the game in an xorg gnome session. I'll see if I can find anything else and update if I do.
[EDIT 2] I *think* the solution is that you need to set the UnityPlayer default for Linux to use Vulkan, but that may cause other issues - not totally sure. See here:
I don't mind being a Linux guinea pig if you need one. I'm running Arch, but I also have a Windows desktop so it's not like I couldn't just run it in that environment.