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(1 edit)

Are the bow one fearless skins worth it?

I have 54000 coin and have nothing to do should I save and get smth else or buy other things. I’ll answer account questions in replies

Tbh most fearless skins are dogshit. There’s much cheaper gear that are better than fearless. Fearless is more like a trophy than anything lol

Anyway I’d recommend max reload for bow skins (Greek skin) 

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A few questions

1. Are there any good fearless pieces? 

2. If no, then what should I buy? I have my desired armor stats, I have my desired bow stats too. I usually use max regen or max speed along with 3 reload and 5 damage on bow 1

3.Is the gatehouse poost weapon good for the 5000 coins if I already have the meta 500 coin one. It also feels like I move less with regen when poosting does the gatehouse one fix this

4. Should I buy the key to unlock stuff in maps

5. Is stun worth the 1350 coins on bow one

1. No, since most of them are just normal armour with bloodlust added to them (and yes bloodlust is useless). But if you want drip then you can buy them.

2. Max out reload on your bow 1 (Greek skin)

3. Gatehouse has a lot of reach but low damage. With bow 3 it’s good since you can combo shoot>poke since bow 3 brings down enemy health a lot. But on bow 1 I wouldn’t recommend it unless you land all three shots consistently. The brown meta one has a good balance of reach and attack, the godendag has a lot of attack but low reach. 

4. Meh, up to you. If you want to see cool Easter eggs then sure. If not then don’t buy.

5. Stun is worth it. But don’t use it on single-shot bows like 2, 3, 4, 6. On bow 1 and bow 5 it’s good.

unless you already have all the gear you want for looks and stats or have money to buy all fearless don't do it