Inspired by this outdated text-only list by Flaminghair and motivated/invigorated by the game's wonderful artwork I had a somewhat crazy idea: Take loads of screenshots, write a script to take care of the tedious work (extracting + combining relevant parts), and finally create an
Image-based collection of most THINGS
- Some of the in-game descriptions are a bit vague and/or misleading. Very few are actually wrong.
- Some descriptions differ between preparation phase and battle phase. (Here mostly preparation phase is used.)
General notes
- The two stats attack and health of units are capped at 99, so temporary and permanent buffs can not increase them further. However, damage can be higher … Hint: Blessing!
- Constructive feedback is welcome! (See comment below.)
- ERROR: Bat Curse lvl 3 gives "Curse!" not "Curse", i.e. deals (3) damage for 3 steps.
- Bone Book:
- The summoned entity can be placed on any empty spot that is not behind enemy lines.
- It can also be placed on the spot of another (friendly) unit as long as there is a free spot somewhere behind (i.e. left of) that unit. This will move the unit 1 step back – and all remaining units on the way to the next free spot, too.
- ERROR: Blessing lvl 3 gives "Blessing!" not "Blessing", i.e. protection and Double Damage once.
- All lvl 3 spells sell for 5 coins while nothing else does. This might be a bug.
- "on buy"
- Lvl 1 buildings apply their effect immediately on initial placement.
- Placing a lvl 1 copy directly from shop onto an already placed building results in the lvl 2 effect (instead of the lvl 1 effect) being applied immediately.
- Combining two already placed buildings does not apply an effect immediately.
- Combining two already placed buildings does not apply an effect immediately.
- Lvl 1 buildings apply their effect immediately on initial placement.
- "end turn"
- This means after the battle phase, i.e. right before the next preparation phase.
- The "end turn" buff from Blacksmith/Farmer will not be triggered at the moment you click "To Battle!".
- This means after the battle phase, i.e. right before the next preparation phase.
- Blacksmith and Farmer apply their buff only to a unit on the spot directly behind them. So placement "on buy" matters. And on "end turn" any unit can be buffed by at most one building.
Buffs and items in shop
- Milk and Jumbo Milk are permanent buffs.
- Bone and Shield create corresponding equipped items when placed.
Equipped items
- Every unit can have at most one item equipped.
- This means a new item will replace the current one!
- Exception: Rocker's blessing ability will not replace items on newly summoned entities, but those entities will not get the blessing either:
- Skull summoned by Skull lvl 2/3 (with item)
- Devil Imps (with Shield) summoned by Summoner lvl 3.
- I have only tried Skulls + Bone and Summoner lvl 3.
- TODO: test Skulls + Shield and Skulls + different Blessing lvl
- Curses are actually items "equipped" by the enemy.
- Shield reduces 2 damage of every (incoming) attack, but the minimal damage is still 1 per (incoming) attack.
Summoned entities
- Every summoned entity deals only 1 damage to the castle – even the Skulls (2)(2) summoned by a Skull lvl 3.
- TODO: Recheck this observation.
- Some of the summoned entities have different names from what the summoning unit claims to summon.
- Skull (1)(1) summoned by a Skull lvl 2: The description is completely wrong. (Note: The normal version has the same incorrect description during the battle phase.)
- Ratling: Their health can not be buffed, but they can be protected with blessing.
- Try to get less crowded screenshots.
- Add Idiot summoned by charmed Snitch?
Tier 1 units
- Milkman: Their health can not be buffed, but they can be protected with blessing.
- Skeleton: Placing a lvl 1 copy directly from shop onto an already placed Skeleton will give 2 coins instead of 1 – combining them later will not. (Similar to buildings!)
Tier 2 units
- Assasin: To trigger their ability the ally has to be directly in front of them and use the default (melee) attack – attacking with abilities does not count.
- Nurse:
- To trigger their ability the ally does not have to be directly in front of them, but attacking with abilities does still not count. The ally also needs to survive their attack … No Resurrection!
- They can not heal themselves, but one can heal another.
- Overheal: Healing can increase a unit's health over their starting health for the duration of the battle.
Tier 3 units
- Excalibur:
- Here only the base stats are shown.
- You should apply attack buffs preferably before level up!
- Wizard:
- Magic is an equipped item, so "on spell" it will replace the Wizard's previously equipped item if there was one. This implies: Only one "charge" of magic per Wizard per step.
- Using a Blessing spell on a Wizard will not give this particular wizard magic … but the blessing.
Tier 4 units
- Kobold:
- Their ability targets only enemies on the same lane.
- They shoot on their first step, i.e. they start the battle with step count at 1. (Pigman starts at 0.)
- Rocker:
- Their ability targets summoned allies on any lane.
- Lvl 3 gives allies "Blessing!" – "Blessing!!!" does not exist.
- Succubus:
- Prince and King are immune to direct "on hit" charm.
- Prince and King die instantly when hit by the "bounced" charm (only Succubus lvl 3).
- When enemies are charmed, they respawn with their starting stats, equipped items and no curses … and now facing your enemy.
- When a charmed Snitch/APC dies, the resulting Idiots/Guards still fight for your team.
- TODO: Recheck whether they count as summoned allies regarding Bard/Rocker. IIRC they do.
- Every enemy can deal 1 damage to you if they reach your side of the battlefield.
- Exception: The King will take all your remaining health and you lose.
- TODO: Add Archer and try to get less crowded screenshots.