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(1 edit) (+1)(-8)

Well, I was looking forward to playing this but you decided to make it cost money.

(2 edits) (+4)

He said from the begining it would cost money though?


Oh boo hoo, the game he's been working on for years costs money. Get a grip, support the creator.


Sorry for that, but you have to understand I don't have a kickstarter or patreon for this project, I have made this game in my own free time and worked on it for 3 a 4 years in between my job and adult life.

Sadly this game has become too big of a project to be for free, and I don't want a free game with annoying adds in them, so I asked for a fee to get yourself a copy.

This game is definitely worth 7 hours of playtime.
For example If you buy a movie ticket for also this price, you see it and that is it.

After the fee this game is for you, and to play whenever you want.
So Ill hope you decide to support me and give this game a shot.
If not, thank you for stopping by.