Hello, its me again, the person who couldn't play the game anymore due to it triggering antiviruses on my PC. I had an idea of a possible action you could take that could 1. Bring more attention to the game and yourself and 2. perhaps circumnavigate the anti-virus issue that may not have been a hurdle for just me but also others.
Have you considered submitting or uploading this game onto a porn game site such as gamcore? Not only would it spread the games profile, but because those sites like to do webhosting, this more likely then not would avoid flagging anything anti-virus related. They also would do the work of applying new versions themselves so you wouldn't even need to go back and update it yourself.
This game being a Sandbox game (popular genre), with lots of popular tags (MILF and Harem), made on RPG Maker which in my experience is seen as a quality engine and also having hand done art, it would likely become fairly popular on those sites.
Im not associated with gamcore or any other site btw I just think its a good idea to think about.
Have a nice trip/vacation/break and I hope you consider this.