This is good for when you intend to use art of things which already exist. But in order to make original art (that is, images which have not been created and have important details which you won’t be able to find on any pre-existing image collection) with low budget the only viable option is AI. Collections of images are limited, but AI (and people) allow for boundless posibilities of images to match what one is especifically looking for in the image.
This argument above isn’t a moral one, just an examination of facts. You can still declare that AI is morally wrong and still agree with me on this.
As a side point, I myself think that it’s not wrong to use AI in a moral sense. For those who want to know why, I think that this thread explains it well: Before it I was kinda neutral on the topic, but after I had read it I got a decent basis to hold the position that I have now.