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Not mine but aekashics check on him on icthio he is a master

Whoa I am speechless! These sprites will be really helpful in the game I am making. Thank you very much ^_^


If you like it you can help me on purchasing some of his 4-Direction sprites link https://gumroad.com/?a=282204627&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v-dHlKMnv10rGDffoY7LiYMthz0R8jPDCbRJV0saEbI9FGq-iwQMGwaAsUhEALw_wcB&query=Aekashics+

Sure, man! I got not much money right now, but I can at least help on the purchase of at least one 5 dollar pack! Wich one do you want

I am also a 2d/3d/VFX illustrator, and perhaps I could be in help if you need some specific char or artwork. Please check my Art Station: ArtStation - Marcelo Motta

(1 edit) (+1)

I Like This One https://aekashics.gumroad.com/l/gKtQQ?layout=discover&recommended_by=search&_gl=1*sx0o46*_ga*MTc1NzE5Nzg4OS4xNzEyMjE5NTM3*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTcxNjMwODYyNS41LjEuMTcxNjMxMzkxMC4wLjAuMA..


hey there! here is the download link:



Thanks bud

you are welcome, I hope these sprites will be helpful! I look forward to play a demo of your game.

Please, choose another US 5,00 pack, and I will give it to you, too!

For That I Shall Give You 900 Sprites