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Yeah, but don't you get paid in fish? XD

(2 edits)

not this particular guy although you need specific stats to be able to prostitute to him you need less than 25 weak and more than 100 sexy its the weapon vendor in fishtopia

Do you mean Bubba's store in Noer town? Or are you talking about the Leather store in Fishtopia? 

the guy in the main market place of fishtopia who will refuse to sell to you if you have at or over 25 weak

Neat! Gonna do that on my next playthrough once I download the newest version 

untill further notice play last stable theres a lot of game killing bugs in both latest and unstable

BRB, off to get some fishsticks :P

Poor people always pay you with equivalent alternatives to Money(coins).
like how Beggers pay you with Dried fruit.

I wouldn't know, I never prostituted Lona to a beggar
She's got standards. 

Mercenaries, DeepOnes and Nobles :D