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If I could make 2 little suggestions, could you maybe make the player a bit slower as they get heavier? Feels a little bit floaty as it stands right now (just a tiny smidge to be noticeable).

My second suggestion is more of a detail rather than gameplay related. Could the steps of the character be either louder or sound heavier as they get bigger? Think that'd add some more.... atmosphere(?) to the game, really.


These are both things that are in the game, but not as noticable until after the 50% mark which is the approximate maximum in the first level. You don't actually get slower, but you have to deal with a bit of momentum at higher weights, and all the sounds pitch down linearly with your weight. Hopefully the full package will be very satisfying!

(1 edit)

Very nice, thank you! I ended up checking your other releases here on itch, I CANNOT wait how this one develops.