Appreciate you sticking around for further discussion! We gotta look at the "sacrifice" and "outcompete" actions here.
The action "sacrifice" let's you place a Generator in a clearing without one, by replacing a warrior there with a token. That replaced warrior permanently goes into mutations. Lore wise- they are commiting their life to generating electricity for your syndicate.
When you get to outcompete, the text reads "take actions up to WARRIORS in mutations plus one".
So to fuel your action economy, you have to balance your board presence / warrior supply with your action economy. (Not to mention make your way to an eligible clearing to sacrifice). They're already limited here so in my testing it's a weighty decision, similar to officers with the WA.
On my game they ended up with five generators on the board, so 5 warriors in mutations. Meaning 6 actions to select from at outcompete, which is needed to hunt for those mutations!
Thanks for staying curious about these curious fellows! You're right, one action for one warrior is expensive! I though venomous spurs would make the one warrior tougher to kill, but there's a balance here to be struck. I'll re-evaluate!