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Day 03: Wasn't able to stream this session because my internet was being flaky, but I was probably more productive as a result.

Got all the rules around tile selection on the game board working tonight, and cleaned up some stuff from yesterday. I managed to get myself into a situation where I was swap!-ing an atom inside the update function of another swap!, and I spent a good bit of time trying to understand why a state update didn't appear to be happening even though the function was obviously being called. Feels like I have a better understanding of atoms now, though, and my stated goal for this jam is learning, so I suppose it was worth it. 

I imagine that once I've gotten a few dozen practice hours in with Clojure{,Script}'s data structures, I'm really going to love them, but I'm definitely having to spend a fair bit of time translating from my old mental model at the moment.

Clojure{,Script}'s data structures

Maps. Maps everywhere. :)