Thanks, I think it does not but it wasn't a problem now that I knew what it was, even if I've been much better at avoiding the bonuses than at avoiding the bullets in this game.
I eventually managed to beat the game, scored 317540, although I'm not exactly sure how, I had the impression I did quite more damage during my last run, killing several enemies with plenty of hps pretty fast including the two forms of the last boss while I did not have more power-ups than usual, maybe you can damage them out of the screen and I did not previously or maybe you make more damage when you're closer to them as I was but I never had this impression, or something else.
Anyway, the game is pretty fun. I absolutely love the background and the game is punchy, all the sequences are fun to deal with plenty of different and nice and bullet patterns to dodge. Everything goes at the right speed and the difficulty is perfect for me.
Some extra sound feedbacks would sure be good although to be fair I barely noticed they were lacking while playing as I had to launch the game again to be sure as I wasn't before posting that.
That's a very cool entry, thanks for sharing.