A solid attempt at a platformer, with a decent amount of challenge and level design to create a fairly engaging experience. A good idea to integrate your team name and your game to be connected. Downloading and playing the game was easy, good work all in all.
Some of your graphics seemed a bit weird, perhaps as a result of your resolution. Your character movement was responsive, if a bit rudimentary. Could you have tweaked the way the character moved to feel better? How did Nintendo make Mario's controls feel like? Finally, there were instances where it registered that I hit the spikes when it didn't appear that was the case, some hit detection testing would have been useful.
Overall, this was a good submission, and for some of you a first experience in developing a game in a team. What have you learned, what went right and what could be improved? I think that the game could have benefited from some polish, but doesn't significantly detract from the average experience.