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(1 edit)

Be sure to list all your team members as contributors so that they can vote as well in the future. A good attempt that demonstrates key platformer mechanics. Sprites were of a good quality and there was clearly attention made to the level design in the form of branching pathways.

I feel like more could have been done in the time frame you were given, as there isn't much that differs this title from comparative platformer games. This was supposed to be "Mario with a twist", but I couldn't really see a unique mechanic or aspect of the game. Hit detection between the character and enemies was a bit weird and caused unexpected interactions. The camera felt too zoomed in on the character, by allowing more of the level on screen, it would make the game feel less cramped. Some graphical improvements to the environment would have gone a long way with this. Finally, you credited websites with Music and Audio, but neither of these were present in the submission.

Whilst there are certainly issues with the title, this is likely the first time some of you have worked in a team on a game. What have you learned, and what could you have done to improve your product?

Hi Charlie, Thank you for reviewing our game! I agree with everything you have said and will be sure to pay attention to these details in the future, I definitely should have done more game play testing to ensure everything was as smooth as it could have been  :) And yes I must admit we did have a few complications when it came to making this game due to the fact it became corrupt very soon to the submission deadline, leading to me having to rebuild the game which may have been why some things were a bit rushed as originally we did manage to get the animations in but we didn't manage to find the time after the corruption and same goes for the audio. I believe the reason for the corruption was because we were all working in different versions of unity and when we used the collaboration option, our work got messed up so we learnt our lesson there. personally I would have loved to have been able to add more levels but time became an issue unfortunately.