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For the future I would remember to add your fellow teammates as contributors. A thoroughly unique concept and an interesting control style, visuals are well made and the game over menu being its own 'level' is pretty neat.

It took me a couple of minutes to find out how all of the game mechanics. I completed the level once before I realised you had an 'unlimited jump' and twice before I realised you could kill enemies by jumping into them. Was there a way you could introduce these ideas to players without explicitly telling them, perhaps through level design? Secondly, I think that the game is a bit short, but given the gameplay and the timeframe given this isn't a major problem. That being said, more levels (even in the same environment) could could have provided interesting ways of challenging players once they had a grasp on the gameplay mechanics.

Overall, this is a really good submission that really put a twist on the traditional platformer. This is something that I could see on the marketplace with further expansion, great work.