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That was super cool! I love exploration games, and this was a good one! I think I found the things to the east, north, and south, but couldn't find what was to the west. Lord knows I left enough corpses out in the desert trying. Just super impressive for a jam game! It was really cool leaving messages and seeing other players' messages. I appreciated that time stopped while you were writing as well, but I wish there had been a way to click out of or go backwards once you started writing. 

I also wish there was a map that was revealed as you play. I know that conflicts with the death marker thing, but I often had no recollection of what led to some of my deaths, or they happened before I found various items, so they ended up confusing me and/or getting ignored. Other players' deaths were doubly confusing without context. Maybe if they had symbols on them to indicate what items/upgrades that player had before death? 

Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing this. Really great work!

Thanks for the detailed feedback!

Yes, currently there is only stuff east, North, and south. I wanted to add something to the west, but ran out of time.

The message screen will let you leave if you press escape, but definitely agree it needed better navigation. Time constraints again :(

I like the idea of having a map reveal as you explore so it feels like you are gaining something on every death. Likewise, player deaths showing their items is a great suggestion to give more context to what they were doing.

Thanks again for playing. I’m glad you enjoyed it!