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A member registered Feb 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah, we noticed this at the deadline. It is weird, because it works on our local builds and local webhost run. My best guess is something in the .godot cache was corrupt/stale somehow which seems to happen frequently when git is modifying stuff underneath godot.

Lol, yep some of the concoctions are more mysterious than others. We referred to them as moonshine, whiskey, mead, and “brown brew” for the final tier haha.

Thanks for playing!

Haha, my teammate loves making all of the SFX with only mouth sounds so this game jam was the perfect chance for him. It was hilarious listening to all of the Appalachian Hollering competitions he was watching to research accurate hollers for the game (“c” key).

Glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for playing.

Wow, very beautiful artwork and I really enjoyed the story as well. I got the good ending on my first playthrough :)

(1 edit)

Big fan of roguelikes and put a ton of hours into MUDs and adventurer mode in Dwarf Fortress. This was really great re-creation of that genre of games!

I liked the torch levels and using that to scout without dragging too much agro from the mobs. I eventually found what I believe was the pool of legends and its healing waters. Nice job!

Wow, yall managed to cram a ton of content into this game! I started to struggle abit once I got to the glider and acid pools, but I gotta say I really enjoyed playing this game. Having your energy reset from either the statues or the level edge made for interesting energy management puzzles that I enjoyed.

Nice work!

Wow, was surprised by all of the voice acting in this. Really great job and the VA definitely elevated the game to a much higher level than I was expecting from a jam.

I had some difficulty initially finding the knife. It seemed like it was very sensitive to which side of the box I activated it from. Only the bottom of the box, but not the sides or top I believe? Possibly user error on my part tho.

Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed seeing everyone else’s comments written on the ground.

Wow, really fun! The pixel art looked beautiful and the prepared dishes looked really delicious haha. I was able to get to the prepare pike, but the invisible “card” bug struck so I wasn’t able to proceed past that :(

Overall though I really enjoyed this game. There were a good amount of different mechanics, and I liked the shelf space at the bottom to stash things as I was juggling different things around.

Nice work!

There is an enable “SharedArrayBuffers” setting in the Itch game setup page where you uploaded the game originally. If you enable that, the game should start working for us to play it.

Very polished game! Even just from the beginning with the main menu and the fish/seaweed reacting to mouse movement started off very strong. I liked that there were several different actions you could perform to interact with the aquarium and maintain it. My aquarium was absolutely jammed pack full of fish after a while lol. They ate the food so quickly I wasn’t sure I was actually feeding them all.

It would be nice to maybe purchase the new fish rather than them automatically spawning in. Then I could pick sorta a balance of the fish i’m interested in, or maybe some kind of progression of unlocking progressively more difficult to maintain fish?

Overall, very impressive game!

The failure modes when you didn’t get the right buttons or aimed poorly was hilarious. It took me a couple of tries, but I was finally able to start consistently diving. My best high score was 119.91. I have no idea how you were able to get such a high score at 500+!

Fun game and loved the silly animations.

Nice adaptation of the Overcooked into the aqua theme! It took me a moment to get used to the control scheme, but once I got the hang of it, it was a really smooth experience. Agree with the other comment, this would’ve been awesome to play with friends or to use the Playroom library for multiplayer.

Great job!

Thanks for the detailed feedback!

Yes, currently there is only stuff east, North, and south. I wanted to add something to the west, but ran out of time.

The message screen will let you leave if you press escape, but definitely agree it needed better navigation. Time constraints again :(

I like the idea of having a map reveal as you explore so it feels like you are gaining something on every death. Likewise, player deaths showing their items is a great suggestion to give more context to what they were doing.

Thanks again for playing. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Very fun and super hectic once you get all five baths running. I really liked how easy it was to clean/fill/heat up so rotating between all of the different tubs and managing them felt super smooth. The rate at which customers came in also applied the perfect amount of pressure to keep going and going throughout the day.

I would’ve loved to see more upgrades available, like expanding the bathhouse, or offering different things like a sauna, etc. But I definitely understand the time crunch from the jam makes it difficult to add more. Really love this foundation for the game you built. Quite addictive!

The boat drift and rapid switching to fish was pretty fun. I think you could even lean into that more as like a Crazy Taxi/Tokyo Drift type of fishing game lol.

I had some trouble opening the fishing collection book. Once I finally did open it, I wasn’t able to close it so I kinda soft locked myself from proceeding anymore :(

Overall, great vibes and an enjoyable fishing experience. Good game to relax to for sure.

Your pixel art is really next level beautiful. Fantastic work.

The game mechanics were interesting, but I felt the enemies had too much health early on so it was difficult to get to enjoy the later parts of the game. Deploying spirits as turrets also seemed to be less powerful than I would’ve hoped as the died pretty easily so I was mainly fighting with my water spray, kiting the slimes behind me/around corners so they would run into my spray.

I was able to get to the horned monster guy, but ran out of water gun because I had spent it all on the upgrade previously. Not sure what I was supposed to do to kill him after I ran out of ammo so I ended up dying :(

Overall, I think the game has a very fun premise, especially with the idea of capturing spirits to redeploy as turrets that help, but also make it higher difficulty due to more bullets to dodge. Maybe some slight tweaks to health/damage, and maybe making your water gun not consume your currency would make a more gentle start to the game so players can progress further/upgrade more later.

I was able to escape after crafting the three relics! The one item that took me the longest was the piece of coal looking ingredient for the middle relic.

Out of all the weapons, personally I liked the rifle the best. Burns through ammo, but was the easiest for me to reasonable kill enemies and sprint around with.

One thing I would’ve liked to see is at the end would be some kind of stat sheet of how many enemies I killed and how long it took me to craft all relics. Overall, pretty fun game and I didn’t run into any issues/bugs at all so well done!

Really tough game! I was able to get to the submarine, but just was unable to overcome some parts of either the left or right path. The precision on a few jumps was extremely tight and I got a little exhausted rerunning the full length without checkpoints after doing it 30+ times lol. Would be curious to see what was after that or how much more was left.

The most difficult part for me was probably the non-linear falling speed combined with needing to time a dash through a one block corridor. The rapid change in speed as you are falling made the timing window for some of those falling dashes extremely tight to the point where I would feel like I got it, but it would be off by only a few pixels and I die :(

Overall, really nice precision platformer. I’m definitely not an expert at this style of game, but I found it overall enjoyable, especially with the smoothness of the character’s animation.

Loved the narrative for the game and being able to explore the world before doing the defense mode. I got completely overwhelmed on day 5. Not sure if I had missed something or maybe needed to be more efficient in an earlier wave, but it was insanely tough!

Really great game overall and I’m impressed with how much yall got packed into the game for this jam. Nice work!

Wow, what a fantastic jam entry. Got some serious FTL/Into The Breach vibes from the art. I was able to narrowly beat Ragnarok at the end.

I’m not sure if I was doing something wrong, but the “return to hand” augmentation would bring the unit back, but I wasn’t able to use it again afterwards? Similarly, the repair a building purple card I wasn’t able to use despite having energy. It highlighted buildings in green, but didnt seem to activate.

Overall, very well balanced gameplay. I felt like I was narrowly winning at each phase, and having to make meaningful decisions given the resources I had. Really hard to pull that kind of balance off in a jam, so big kudos to the team. I hope yall keep working on this afterwards, because there is definitely a nugget of something very good here.

At long last the land begins to heal! I liked the area that you had laid out and the difficulty increase from oasis to oasis seemed to increase at a pretty reasonable pace. The final tree boss guy was pretty brutal with the massive bubble spam and I narrowly survived with like 5% water left lol.

One tip that may help for future game jams is to consider using the texture “nearest” setting so the pixel art will show up a little crisper. It looked like the player and the enemy textures were using “linear” which makes the pixel art a little blurry. Overall really well done! Movement was crisp and the attack was easy to use to kill enemies.

Had a lot of fun with this one. I also had run into the null bug twice so I wasnt able to proceed into the deeper stages, but I really liked the shop menu and the fish encyclopedia. The art was also really nice! I’d like to try this again when yall fix the null bug.

Definitively the most original concept in the jam by far. Once you get used to drinking, like humans normally do, it is pretty fun to try to get faster and more efficient. I was basically chucking the water at his face and then straight back to refilling. Hilariously fun. Keep up the good work!

Very fun! I was able to get rescued on the second time around. I liked all of the small details you had to look for and then also consider the order in which you performed them. Very well put together and excellent atmosphere.

One thing I’m not sure about is in the results dialog, it talks about me “not locking the front door”. Was it possible to find the door key? Or was the other two things I did to the door the only solution?

Great job!

Nice use of multiplayer! This is the first game that I’ve seen that pulled off a really nice aesthetic with pixel art and 3d so great job on that for sure. The main character and the turtle head in particular are fantastically drawn.

Very nice! I think this is a good base to build a lot more on top of it, especially with the random loot choices in every stage. I was only able to get to ~1200, but think I understood the system a little bit better once I realized you wrap around on the edges when in a stream. Fun game!

Wow, very interesting game concept. What did yall use to store the user created items? I tried to take a look, but it didn’t seem to be Playroom at first glance. At any rate, very impressive! I could easily see this expanding into a full Steam released game (maybe using Steam Workshop for user created stuff?).

The first objective is directly east from the starting area. Make sure to eat cactus and walk through shadowy areas so you don’t die. Glad you are enjoying the writing system though lol

Your art style is so clean. The main character in particular is so adorable and full of personality. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to see the games you make in the future.

Wow, y’all made something really amazing here. Super addicting and the visuals are fantastic. The character controls feels a little slippery to me, but it was still tight enough that I felt competitive against the AI. The fiery slam shot in particular feels so good when you pull it off.

Very fun game!

Love the idea of the first death being prevented by a small rain cloud swooping in to help you out. If we decide to carry this game forward to something bigger, that is definitely something we will think about to make the learning curve a little less brutal at the start.

Wow, hilariously fun game you’ve got here. I love the little derpy followers on the island, and the water physics to fight the ships is pretty fun to spam click. Really nice game loop with waves, upgrades and then back at it again.

Thanks so much for the kind words. I personally love games that instill a sense of community so I’m glad that you felt some connection there with others that played and left comments on the ground or walked around with you in the game.

That is very possible I had warmed up enough by the time I got to the red boss that I was dodging bullets more easily. I could also generally predict red boss movement more reliably, whereas the purple boss was a pain when switching between random corners or the center. Purple boss was the only one I died to (once).

Nice! I’m glad to see an Oregon trail style twist to the desert expedition. All of my people eventually had mental breakdowns because I think I pushed them too hard :( It would’ve been nice to see a total distance on the game over screen because I didn’t get to capture how far exactly I got, but I believe around 300 miles.

Oh, also I really liked that you could name your characters. That made it feel a lot more personal when I saw that Profour was the first to have a mental breakdown and steal all of the supplies when he left lol!

(1 edit)

Super nice! I liked all of the hidden secrets you had included. I was only able to find 5/7 rescues and 5/7 secrets, but they were fun to look for. I had a hard time seeing the secret tunnels in the dark purple area. I just happened to find one in the boss room because I rubbed against the walls thinking something had to be in there. Total time was 11:12 for all bounties.

Surprisingly last boss (red) was the easiest for me, and the purple boss was the hardest.

Nice work! I liked the use of the parallax background to give a better sense of movement. The bad guys visual art was cute and I first thought they were coming to help me. Then I started bopping them on the head and realized they weren’t helping me hah.

Love the cute shark character. Really wonderful art and a nice tight game loop. Well done!