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Find a shrink for a full analysis, your syndrome is super serious

(1 edit) (+5)(-11)

Do you say the same thing to people with arachnophobia who have trouble playing games with spiders in them?

I'm also already seeing a therapist regularly for treatment for my complex-PTSD. Not sure why you types always think "get therapy" is an insult rather than a good idea. From the sounds of it, you might do well with some therapy yourself. It's done me wonders.


Dev not abt to spend an extra time editing shit just so that your btc ass can play it "properly". If u cant handle it, then this is not a game for u. Move on


Strange, why do you insist I'm asking for changes, rather simply sharing my experience with the game? Do you not want the game dev to get feedback on player experiences? Or do you just not like players sharing their experiences? It sounds like you don't like the dev, game, or gamers. :(


Because some people are asshats